Carb free diet

I have lost 26 lbs. so far and have been stuck @ 199 lbs. for about a week while working out 2 times a day (once in morning & once in afternoon) - I usually do 80 minutes of cardio in morning & 45 minutes of spinning in afternoon. One of my friends told me to go to a carb free diet (bacon, eggs, slim jims, nuts & meat for all meals) for about a week! Any thoughts on this?


  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    I would still include fruits and veggies. You can elimanate pastas and breads and never need them as part of your diet. I wouldn't just go all protein. Too much of anything is never good!
  • MHackrott
    MHackrott Posts: 84 Member
    You need the carbs for the energy for your workouts! Eat good carbs(whole grains, wheat stuff like that). Your protein should be lean(chicken, fish, turkey bacon, low fat or fat free dairy). Also add in some weight training, muscle helps to burn fat! And make sure you are eating little is just as bad as to much!
  • makeupartist12
    I hit a plateau at one point and changed it up a bit.......I didn't do complete carb free.....but I modified my diet with a low-carb between 60-80g a day and low-fat 20-30g diet for 2wks high protein and lost 5lbs...I don't see a harm in trying it for a week....
  • glypta
    glypta Posts: 440 Member
    People do find cutting carbs helps, but more as a longer term plan than for a week (your first few days you'll lose a fair bit but it'll only be water, but once that's gone, your body will burn fat rather than carbs). Low carb works for me, but it's not for everyone. Check out the Atkins or Paleo or Dukan websites for more info on it. All of these give you some carbs, but from veg only, really.
  • Gottagetfit4me
    Gottagetfit4me Posts: 56 Member
    I am no expert but it doesn't look like you are consuming enough calories to fuel your body which would cause you body to go into starvation mode. Curious what others think?
  • rebeccabickle
    I would try carb free too. I was stuck and thats what helped me. Also I discovered that If I drink a glass of water before and after every meal I lose more weight faster. I also drink a glass with every snack. I drink nothing but water water water Lol
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    IMO, it's a bad idea. Carbs are not the enemy. If you cut them out, you might lose, but you will likely put the weight right back on when you start eating carbs again.

    I would advise doing some strength training instead of just cardio all the time. 3 days a week, 30 minutes at a time. Bodyweight exercises if you don't have access to free weights -- do pushups, planks, lunges, squats, crunches, reverse crunches, pullups under your dining room table. Strength training will help you build muscle, which will burn the fat.

    Take your measurements instead of just relying on the scale. Also, how much are you eating? You may not be eating enough. And keep in mind that one week does not constitute a true plateau. If you're still not seeing changes after 3 or 4 weeks, that's a plateau. But lots of things can happen in the space of a week.
  • cruiseking
    cruiseking Posts: 338 Member
    I would still include fruits and veggies. You can elimanate pastas and breads and never need them as part of your diet. I wouldn't just go all protein. Too much of anything is never good!

    Totally agree 100%
  • Keefypoos
    Keefypoos Posts: 231 Member
    Not sure why you want to do a carb free diet!

    about 50% of your daily energy needs should come from carbs. I assume you think no weight lost for a week is a problem!
  • lockef
    lockef Posts: 466
    Your 1 week on a low carb diet will be something like this...

    -Lose 2-10 pounds (some fat, mostly water)
    -Bonk on your workouts by the 3rd day
    -Have hot/cold flashes, head/stomach aches from your body trying to adjust
    -End up giving up on low carb thinking that's how you're going to feel the entire time without carbs

    The benefits of being on a low carb diet (or ANY diet) come in the long term. Also, with how active you are, it wouldn't be advisable to go completely low carb. You could try cutting out grains/pasta/bread and have a high GI fruit (banana) an hour or so before to fuel your workout.

    Either that, or just keep on doing the same as you're doing. Just because you've stalled one week, does not mean that your diet isn't working for you.

    Good luck!
  • SugarBaby1987
    SugarBaby1987 Posts: 62 Member
    I think that low carb could help you but I don't suggest no carb. I would suggest NEVER to eat processed foods like Slim Jims as well. You can cut out potatoes, rice, bread, etc and that would probably help you kickstart your weight loss again. My weight loss has been pretty steady eating low carb, and I have loads of energy. I eat plenty of veggies, fruit, and nuts. Those are the only 3 places that my carbs come from. Best of luck!