Started well, but just had a blip

I am a complete newby and have never posted on a website before, so bear with me please...

I stumbled on MFP a week ago and I have found it a great aid to keeping track and staying motivated. I've lost the first three pounds of the fifty six that I need to shed but it seems like it's going to be a long slog! I so want to stay on track but a moment of weakness a few moments ago lead to a particularly nasty sniper of a Mars bar getting under the razor wire and pinning me against the wall until I agreed to eat it!!!! Now I feel so guilty but I don't want it to to lead to the usuaual spiral of guilt-eat-guilt that I usually succum to. The mars bar only lasted a minute or so but the guilt is going to last a lot longer!!!!!!!!!!!!

Does everyone feel the same way or is it just me? I look in the mirror and what I see is so depressing that I want to eat to make myself feel better! Getting to where I want to be seems so far out of reach that I tell myself there isn't any point, so I might as well eat. My logical side tells me that it's a silly way to be, but I have had a few decades of practice at comfort eating and getting out of the habit is a bit of a challenge.

Does anyone have any pearls of wisdom to impart or hints and tips that might help???

Any contact greatly appreciated. Good luck everyone.


  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    Three pounds in a week is awesome! I'm going on 3 weeks & only 5 down so far, tho one of the weeks was my 'birthday week' - lots of celebrating & ice cream cake. I'm struggling with exercise. It is not a natural state for me. so far I've been able to FORCE myself out for some brisk walks and I didn't die but I really don't feel confident with strength training & I need it badly.
  • memobe
    memobe Posts: 126 Member
    Hi there, i think that we all probably know what you are feeling, I know I do...for sure! you are not alone.

    One thing that really helped don't look at the big picture. Make small goals and it won't seem quite so daunting. Once you lose a little bit of weight, like even 5 or 6 lbs you will start to notice the difference and you will feel better. You will feel the difference in your clothes and you'll see the difference in the mirror after just a couple of weeks....just aim for that for now.

    Those darn Mars bars will probably pop up every now and then, (they are my fav too, that and snickers) try not to give in, but if you do...just keep on trucking, and try not to get down.

    Good luck to you!
  • harric01
    harric01 Posts: 39 Member
    It happens to us all one time or another, just get back on track and don't get to down on yourself
  • Purplevelvet01
    Five pound in three weeks with a birthday in the way??/ Fantastic! I too am struggling with te excercise bit. The other day though, I walked for two and a half hours! 800 odd calories and several large blisters later, I had to take my shoes off and walk the rest of the way back to the office barefoot! My biggest problem is that I start off well but stumble after the first two weeks

    Well done you for sticking with it for almost a month! I hope I can say the same in another two weeks! Keep it up.
  • Purplevelvet01
    Thanks for the words of encouragement everyone. It's really good to actually feel part of a group of like minded people rather than my usual approach of trying to get on with it myself

    I feel much better, thanks again
  • TriumphNow
    TriumphNow Posts: 526 Member
    It happens to all of us. You should keep telling yourself this is a journey, not a quick fix. Look at some of the success stories on the message boards. I find them so inspiring and motivating. You should also start taking full advantage of friends on this site. It's amazing how people you never met can be so inspiring and encouraging everyday. I hope all goes well for you :)
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Minor blip - don't worry about it too much. Chalk it up to a weak moment, move on.

    I know a lot of folks think that losing weight means you can't eat food that you actually enjoy but I don't believe that one bit. I'm living proof that as long as you eat right most of the time and/or earn extra calories through exercise, you can still have pizza and wings and chocolate and beer. Why deprive yourself and be unhappy and risk failing because you get tired of eating stuff that doesn't fulfill you or make you happy and you're plagued by cravings all the time?

    Exercise is awesome for your health anyway but it does help a lot with budgeting calories. Think of it like having a part time job or working overtime - it gives you that wiggle room to splurge now and then so you can be happy!

    Good luck!
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    This sounds so familiar. This is what I was going through last summer. I had reached an obscene high weight for me. I was so disappointed in myself for gaining it. I was beside myself. I basically isolated myself. I'm not saying that I recommend this for everyone, but it worked for me. I spent a lot of time thinking. I stayed away from temptation. I worked on being kind to myself. Eventually, the weight started coming off, and I started noticing a real difference in my body. I started trusting myself a little more with social activities and making smart choices. I still am not nearly as social as I once was just because temptation is a real struggle for me. But I can allow myself a couple nights out a month with friends.

    It's hard to let go of the disappointment in yourself. But just's never too late to do something about it. And my favorite piece of advice...

    A year from now, you'll be so glad you started today.