30DS over 60 says, opinions????

D446 Posts: 266 Member
hey! I have just started the 30 day shred, I'm pretty unfit so it wasn't that fun! I was thinking of spreading it over 60 days, doing it every second day, for a few reasons. I want to give my muscles a small time to repair, I also do other sports (Netball, walking, cycling) and I don't want to do too much exercise everyday as I don't want to eat all those exercise calories! Also because I'm not in any huge rush to get in perfect shape as I don't want to put too much pressure on myself.. Do u think that I will still get good results as if I did it for 30 consecutive days? I want to lose about 30 pounds!

Any thoughts would be much appreciated


  • skinnymama157
    You will definitely get results. I have been doing the 30DS for 6 months, about 3 to 4 times a week, and then some jogging or the elliptical in between. And in the last 6 months I have lost 30 pounds. :))) Of course that is also with staying in my calorie limits. With the 30DS, I burn about 300 calories in the 25 minutes. Its a great quick work out but I do despise Jillian some mornings, lol!