Book suggestions

Brittany1979 Posts: 381 Member
Does anybody have any good book suggestions?


  • Brittany1979
    Brittany1979 Posts: 381 Member
    Does anybody have any good book suggestions?
  • Lizjkp
    Lizjkp Posts: 278
    Hi Brittany1979 :flowerforyou: which subjects?:smooched: .

    Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut that held its ground.
    Laughing is good exercise. It's like jogging on the inside :laugh: .
  • cquick
    cquick Posts: 220
    okay, now don't think i'm crazy....

    i'm 26 and i've never really been into reading fiction. while my friends read the harry potter or lord of the rings, i'm usually reading something by deepak chopra. i mostly read informational or inspirational books, but this december i got pretty sick and decided to read something way out of the norm for me: the twilight series.

    i know you're probably thinking: oh no, not another one of those twilight people! but honestly, the books are pretty well written. i guess i should warn you that they are pretty "high school" emotionally. and the second book of the series is completely agonizing (you'll understand if you read it). the rest of the series is fairly interesting and it's a quick read.

    i also read a couple of books by christopher crowley: the collector and the magus. the collector is about a man obsessed with collecting butterflies and also a young woman, whom he "collects" and keeps locked in his basement (really interesting, not too suspenseful, tho). the magus is pretty mind boggling yet a very interesting book about a young man seduced by an "island" and it's owner. it's very historical and sometimes info overload...the magus takes a lot of effort and is totally worth it if you have the willpower! and if you like LOST, this book has a lot of interesting similarities to the island...

    hope you find a good read! check out a discount book store and pick something up!

    have fun!
  • Brittany1979
    Brittany1979 Posts: 381 Member
    Any subject would be good! Just looking for some books to read that I have not read yet. :happy:
  • Brittany1979
    Brittany1979 Posts: 381 Member
    Thank you for your suggestions cquick!:smile:
  • chickadee10
    I like romance novels. Nicholas Sparks is my fav. and Nora Roberts (I've read 2 of hers, they were interesting)
  • heal4444
    heal4444 Posts: 709
    Right now, I'm reading

    :heart: One Small Step Can Change Your Life :heart:


    Robert Maurer, Ph.D
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    I'm a fantasy sci-fi geek. I adore the Coldfire Trilogy (it is my second favorite book series ever next to Lord of the Rings). I also really like Jacqueline Carey Banewreaker/Godslayer series. The Kushiel series is also phenominal, but its extremely sophicated. Like, you have to skip back a couple sentances sometimes and have a dictionary on hand. :laugh: She is a stunning storyteller though.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    "The Alchemist" by Paulo Cohelo -- about a young man learning to listen to his inner voice and follow his dreams

    "The Secret Life of Bees" by Sue Monk Kidd -- such a moving story

    "Their Eyes Were Watching God" by Zora Neale Hurston -- read it in my African-American lit class in college and fell in LOVE with it

    "My Sisters Keeper" by Jodi Piccoult -- lots of twists, plays on medical drama and the legalities of harvesting organs from under age donors, really cool

    "The Memory Keepers Daughter" by Kim Edwards -- tale of love for a child by unexpected people

    "The Pilots Wife" by Anita Shreve -- read a million years ago, but a great book, don't wanna give away the plot

    "Drowning Ruth" by Christina Schwarz -- read a million years ago, but another one I loved

    "Dirty Girls Social Club" or "Playing with Boys" by Alisa Valdes Rodriguez -- Latina author, these books follow the lives of Latina women and the men they love/hate/sleep with/etc. Compared to "Waiting to Exhale" by Terry McMillan.

    "What Crazy Looks Like on an Ordinary Day" by Pearl Cleage -- read it while pregnant 4 years ago, loved it

    I should keep a list of all the books I've read just for reference on a day like this.
    An excel spreadsheet. Title, author, rating (1-5) and comments. I think I shall start that soon...
    Have fun reading!!! Check out if you are interested in a swapping book club. Books are free, you pay for shipping essentially. I've swapped TONS of books on there. Love it.
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    I am reading Twilight right now. I have no interest in the movie but the book is shockingly good. Love story.. with vampires. Very good. Last few I've read- Slam by Nicholas Hornby (really good, teen boy gets girl pregnant, story all about dealing with that. really funny though) and Middlesex by Jeffery Eugenides (SO good. easily one of my all time favourite books. Very thoughtful, very entertaining.)
  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    I like romance novels. Nicholas Sparks is my fav. and Nora Roberts (I've read 2 of hers, they were interesting)

    I LOVE Nicholas Sparks, I have read all of his books and it's fun to watch some of the movies they have made with his story lines to see what is the same and what's different.
  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    "The Alchemist" by Paulo Cohelo -- about a young man learning to listen to his inner voice and follow his dreams

    "The Secret Life of Bees" by Sue Monk Kidd -- such a moving story

    "Their Eyes Were Watching God" by Zora Neale Hurston -- read it in my African-American lit class in college and fell in LOVE with it

    "My Sisters Keeper" by Jodi Piccoult -- lots of twists, plays on medical drama and the legalities of harvesting organs from under age donors, really cool

    "The Memory Keepers Daughter" by Kim Edwards -- tale of love for a child by unexpected people

    "The Pilots Wife" by Anita Shreve -- read a million years ago, but a great book, don't wanna give away the plot

    "Drowning Ruth" by Christina Schwarz -- read a million years ago, but another one I loved

    "Dirty Girls Social Club" or "Playing with Boys" by Alisa Valdes Rodriguez -- Latina author, these books follow the lives of Latina women and the men they love/hate/sleep with/etc. Compared to "Waiting to Exhale" by Terry McMillan.

    "What Crazy Looks Like on an Ordinary Day" by Pearl Cleage -- read it while pregnant 4 years ago, loved it

    I should keep a list of all the books I've read just for reference on a day like this.
    An excel spreadsheet. Title, author, rating (1-5) and comments. I think I shall start that soon...
    Have fun reading!!! Check out if you are interested in a swapping book club. Books are free, you pay for shipping essentially. I've swapped TONS of books on there. Love it.

    The Pilots Wife, LOVED IT!
  • dujennifer
    dujennifer Posts: 162 Member
    I just finished reading "The Secret". It was a big Oprah pick a few years ago. It is one of these life philosophy books. While some of it was a bit hokey, there are some really good mentality changing ideas in it from weight loss to health healing. I highly recommend it and it is a fast read.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I just finished reading "The Secret". It was a big Oprah pick a few years ago. It is one of these life philosophy books. While some of it was a bit hokey, there are some really good mentality changing ideas in it from weight loss to health healing. I highly recommend it and it is a fast read.

    I have it in my 'to be read' pile but just can't get motivated to read it :laugh: (It's funny since it's a motivational book :wink: )
  • heal4444
    heal4444 Posts: 709
    I love "The Secret". I have the DVD also.
  • Emyko
    Emyko Posts: 12
    Well, this depends totally on what kind of books you like! If you're interested in something funny, you should definitely read some Douglas Adams, if you haven't already. 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy' is his most famous book and definitely hilarious. Also, 'Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency' by Adams is great.

    David Sedaris is also a funny and well-liked author. Try 'Me Talk Pretty Someday.'
  • Cassia
    Cassia Posts: 467 Member
    if you're ok with Christian, then i would deff reccomend Ted DeKKer -Blink. It was amazing! but stick with it in the first few chapters i promise it will speed up.