Adding friends??

Hi im sophie from cardiff and am new to this site. Have about 10lbs to loose (the same old 10lbs lol). Am very active so have no problem with excercise but have a habbit of eating sweet stuff!! Could anyone help out with what adding friends is it similar to facebook?? Would love to get some motivation to stay within my 1500 cals and choose the right stuff :-)


  • Brannock8
    Brannock8 Posts: 170 Member
    Yeah its kinda like facebook, but gives you some accountability to keep logging on, and also everyone here is great for support and motivation. Add me if you like.
  • brinsy
    brinsy Posts: 226 Member
    curious to know this too. im new on here also.
  • marykly
    marykly Posts: 14
    Hi and welcometo MFP !! Has to be the best site I've come across, whether you have 10lb's to lose like you or 50lbs with the aid of this site it's possible! I can't stress enough that's it's all about honesty! You have to be honest with your food diary otherwise it's not going to work! Log everything that passes your lips and you will start to see results. Within 2 weeks nearly of me rejoining I had changed my eating habits just by looking back on my diary and seeing I wasn't making good food choices! Also with the help of my friends on here I have the encouragement to keep going! It's not really like Facebook, but you can add friends and they will encourage you, praise you on good achievements and help you out on bad days by commenting on your updates and status's or by private message! You'll soon have that 10 pounds gone:) add me if you like! Good luck :)
  • Marietard
    i'm new to the forum stuff ... was using the app on the phone for a while. but the people on here are amazing! so supportive and helpful! definitely add friends. some people add random people who inspire them or people who respond to their message board posts. just click the member and add as a friend. all of us newbies should be friends and support each other :)
  • TTHdred
    TTHdred Posts: 380 Member
    Welcome to mfp!

    It is similar to facebook except you don’t really have to “know” the person to add them and to me it is so much more that facebook (when it comes to fitness). I tend to only add folks that write a message with their requests but it your personal choice. Some folks also only add folks that have similar goals, for example, just a few pounds to lose versus 50lbs+ because the efforts, success/failures, challenges can be a little different. But not everyone does that, so the choice is yours. I add all types of friends because I like giving encouragement as much as I like getting it!

    Why add friends? For support and motivation. Often, friends on here will comment on your workouts to encourage you, share recipes. They also check in when you have missed a few days or (if your diary is public) congratulate you on clean eating days or offer advice on not so nice days. For me, it has helped keep me in perspective. And since none of these folks truly know me (though I consider you all friends my dears!) I am less shy and be more vulnerable which has been an advantage for me.

    Then there are what I call the “pro” friends. Many folks on here are fitness professionals (some just in their minds, but that is entirely different story) and can offer excellent advice on nutrition, diet, exercise down to the science of it all. They are also sometimes useful to have around.

    Lastly, if you peruse the forums often enough, you will find there are teams out there. They set goals as a group and report to each other. These folks will often befriend each other to make it easier for them to track their results and motivate each other.

    All that said....feel free to add me!
  • MakeItHappenAnt
    welcome to u, i was once a sweet junkie. soft baked cookies were my weakness...between 5 & 7 days a week, i had 2 have them. the stories/testimonies of my new found friends here have helped me moderate my sweet intake. six weeks ago i delacred 2 only eat sweets on the weekend & my MFP family has helped me a great deal with their constant motivation & encouragement. u 2 can conquer this! i wish u well on your journey to achieve your fitness goal(s) & will gladly be your friend in the process. much success 2 u,

  • dwa6388
    dwa6388 Posts: 21 Member
    I have been on here 2 weeks and am looking for friends for motivation or just to say hi to.
  • AndrewTub
    AndrewTub Posts: 86 Member
    Yea the friends thing really helps as sometimes when dieting you feel like you're the only one! Then you glance at your home page and see what people are doing/eaten/ ! If i wasn't on MFP i would feel really disconnected just dieting on my own, as I have thought in the past really :/ Feel free to add me which goes for everyone !
  • ruthkennedy
    ruthkennedy Posts: 48 Member
    Hi and welcome!

    I love the idea of friends on this site. Like someone else said I had been using the mobile app for awhile before I discovered the full site. I love that people comment on your achievements and it has really helped me stay focused on some pretty stressful days recently where I would ordinarilly have reached for food.

    Everyone please feel free to add me - the more pepole keeping me accountable the better
  • jnnyc
    jnnyc Posts: 25
    Hi and welcome. I am new as well. I have been off and on on MFP for a few months.
    I found my best weeks were the weeks I kept my status updated and encouraged my friends on here.
    Its easy to log in and track your own progress, but vieiwing other people's food diaeries (and getting dinner inspiriation) is helpful and its great to have the encouragement.

    I slipped nad hadn't logged in for 3 weeks, I had some messages from friends seeing where I was. It def. keeps you accountable.

    Feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • theba2il
    theba2il Posts: 548 Member
    I'll send ya request...
  • shazzamax11
    I'm new to, feel free to add me ;o)
  • sroutley
    sroutley Posts: 11
    Thanks for the support...will start adding you!! I also was using my phone app and discovered a whole new life on the community section of the website!! Please excuse my food diary as I have been on my hols since I started but you have definately given me the motivation to start sticking to it as of now!! I just want to get more in shape above all. I do quite a lot of excercise and feel the half a stone lighter I always wanted to be just wasnt happening....but what a great site, its amazing just how much you shove in your mouth without realising!! It is just total dicipline and getting to grips with the fact that if giving up the good stuff was that easy, we'd all have the body of a supermodel!! :-)