Plant-based diet and Crossfit.

So here I am. I've been watching some documentaries on Plant-based diet with my favourite girl, and I've joined a Crossfit class (it starts next week). I'm absolutely blown away on the data linking animal products to heart disease, cancer and diabetes. I've lived my whole life oblivious to this!
I'm excited to begin this journey. It feels to me like I'm beginning late in life; at 42 years old and 220lbs and working a sedentary desk job.
Wish me luck with my new journey! If you're on a similar one, I would love to compare notes.


  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    I would highly suggest that you and your favourite girl do some further research in to food/ways of eating. I have nothing against people choosing a particular way of eating, but basing your choice off what I'm guessing is a bunch of "mockumentaries" (what the health, forks over knives, that sugar film etc) is not making an educated decision. These films (not documentaries) are made for shock value, often misrepresenting information and incredibly one sided.

    Good luck on your journey - I would recommend being open to all ideas, and willing to question everything (including the things you believe in)
  • Tim_Veal
    Tim_Veal Posts: 27 Member
    So this is my welcome to the community...
    What I'll point out is that the documentaries, books and websites I've been perusing have taken me from eating a high-fat meat diet, full of sugar and empty calories, to a plant-based diet and searching for a healthier and fitter self. I've spent my life helping others, and this is the one thing that I am doing for me.
    I will find my way.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Excellent, more bacon for the rest of us!
  • BohoVegGirl
    BohoVegGirl Posts: 13 Member
    edited October 2017
    Hi! I'm 44, and eating a plant-based diet to recover from chronic illness. In following this diet, I've lost 138 lbs in 10 months, but the most important thing is that I feel so much better!

    I'm now looking to begin to incorporate exercise. (I, too, work a sedentary desk job.)

    I wish you the absolute best in your journey! Please feel free to add me.
  • Honesty4u2nv
    Honesty4u2nv Posts: 2 Member
    I have been eating a whole food plant based diet / vegan since July and in the first month my cholestoral went from a 240 to a 134 and my doctor took me off my daily 2000mg metformin medicine and Vitozin along with cholestoral meds. I have lost weight and no longer feel bloated and have energy. I feel son much better eating this way and will continue this way of eating. I cannot even consider going back to my old eating habits.