How do you guys bounce back from a Thanksgiving binge?



  • sade0429
    sade0429 Posts: 2 Member
    The first thing you must do is forgive yourself. You enjoyed your holiday and that's a great thing. The main thing is to get back to your healthy eating habits and not allow the holiday eating habits become your new norm. Make sure you are drinking lots of water because most of the weight is most likely water. Also, get in alot of cardio aim for about an hour a day. This will allow you to work up a good sweat and get some of the water and salt out of your system. Lastly, stay off of the scale. Give yourself about a week to detox then hop on the scale. I did alot of eating before the holiday with all of the church activities we had going on. I took it easy for Thanksgiving. But I was up 5 pounds and after a week of following my detox plan I am back to my normal weight and I've even managed to lose an additional 2 pounds. Just remeber where you are now is not where you were. Just keep pressing! You Got This!!!
  • AbbyPort89
    AbbyPort89 Posts: 28 Member
    I just went back to my normal, i know what works, routine the next day. I was 7 pounds heavier Wednesday morning (we had thanksgiving with friends on Tuesday due to work). The people who hosted Thanksgiving for us did a salt brine and holy smokes, WATER WEIGHT!. As of today, I am .5 lbs away from my pre-Thanksgiving weight and I'm very happy about that.
  • Maxxitt
    Maxxitt Posts: 1,281 Member
    With holiday eating, even enjoying all the things (plus left overs the following day), I ended up having a week at maintenance. The scale's up 2 lbs (reasonable given extra food that is processing and the water needed to deal with that and the increased sodium). I continued my normal activity routine otherwise, and today am eating at deficit level without feeling deprived. I'll continue with the deficit and then plan another maintenance week between Christmas and New Year's.
  • MaddMaestro
    MaddMaestro Posts: 405 Member
    I just went back to normal eating. Honestly, I hadn't been very hungry after Thanksgiving. It's okay to enjoy more food than usual, just keep yourself accountable on every day.
  • maggibailey
    maggibailey Posts: 289 Member
    It was just me and my husband and our eldest for the day, we had everyone’s favorites turkey potatoes rolls and pie. I added a huge portion of veggies to my plate and I think my thanksgiving dinner came in at 700 calories. And because we cooked just for the three of us there was only turkey left over so nothing to worry about. I actually enjoyed this year not being hours in the kitchen and centered on food. I think we will do the same for Christmas. I’m the only foodie in my house anyway.
  • debtay123
    debtay123 Posts: 1,327 Member
    I think you should focus on just moving forward. As so many have said- it is not about the "food"- it is the holiday a time to enjoy- just do the next thing you know to do to help yourself- and "let it go"!!!!!- get up keep moving-exercise if you do it- then eat back on plan(whatever your plan may be) and keep going do not give up!You got this!!1
  • staciemunoz
    staciemunoz Posts: 2 Member
    Say NO to leftovers. We went away to my boyfriends parents and I tried to say no to as many of the unhealthy ones as I could. For what we did take home, I encouraged my boyfriend to eat them all yesterday -- he can eat an entire pie in a day with no consequences!

    I made sure to schedule spin classes the day before and after Thanksgiving to give myself a good cushion.

    Otherwise, just try to enjoy! I did make sure to limit my alcohol more this year. Mashed potatoes > third glass of wine IMO.
  • staciemunoz
    staciemunoz Posts: 2 Member
    Also, give yourself a week off the scale. All the extra salt is going to throw everything off! Drink lots of water.
  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member
    I prefer to call it a Thanksgiving Feast! I will just get back on diet and should be back were I was in three or four days.
  • Goober1142
    Goober1142 Posts: 219 Member
    An 8 inch pumpkin pie has 1982 calories and 8oz heavy whipping cream has 800, I ate the whole the dinner. Then I topped it off with a bag of potatoe chips.
  • CarvedTones
    CarvedTones Posts: 2,340 Member
  • mrsharmon622
    mrsharmon622 Posts: 60 Member
    I've had Thanksgiving plus two days of leftovers! I went up 2 lbs yesterday, but was back down 1 lb today. I expected that, so I'm okay with it. Today is the beginning of a new week, leftovers are gone, back to my weight loss calories and healthy eating. Don't beat yourself up. Say you enjoyed it and pick up where you left off. :)
  • CarvedTones
    CarvedTones Posts: 2,340 Member
    Two of my kids weren't here Thursday but both will be this afternoon. Do over! I actually had a deficit day on Thursday and likely will again today. I had mashed cauliflower instead of potatoes on Thursday and I mashed a rutabaga for today. I might have Dutch apple pie with ice cream for dessert today. Because of my other two kids' work schedules, dinner will be at 2:30 so it will be a lunch so late that dinner is likely to be light. So I hope to do okay again.
  • LiftHeavyThings27105
    LiftHeavyThings27105 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Consider looking at the week instead of one day. This is what makes the most sense to me. So, instead of having 2000 Calories each day, seven times in one week you have 14,000 Calories. So, if you go over your "2,000/day" limit there is little to no psychological damage. Simply reduce the next couple | few days and you are even again.

    It is all about having a positive and healthy mindset. One day is not going to kill anyone. And it should not be the start of the demise for the week | month that so many seem to allow it to be. Mindset is right, no problems.