Trying to lose 10 lbs by August 28th SUGGESTIONS??

Hey All!

I know I posted earlier today but this posting thing is really beneficial because I like to see other people respond and hear from people that are looking to change to a healthy lifestyle, looking to lose weight, maintain weight, whatever it may be.

I'm going into my junior year of college and am looking to lose an addition 10 lbs before I move into my apartment on August 28th. My body typical loses anywhere from 1-3 lbs a week on a pretty strict diet. I don't allow myself anything but water for now and have a traditional 8 glasses a day. My diet consists of protein and veggies,etc. I know how to eat healthy and I am trying to exercise at least twice a day and sometimes 3 times to amp up my metabolism so I can finally lose the last 15 lbs at school assuming that I lose 10 before school. So far with the diet I have been on since June, I have lost 20 lbs. It has been a healthy process but very difficult.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to amp up my workouts/vary them? I do the treadmill, elliptical, strength training, walking the dog, and zumba. (sometimes tennis and swimming).

Or any suggestions regarding how to spice up meals to not feel so deprived but maintain a low calorie content?

I really really want to get these 10 lbs off by school and I personally think it can be done but I am just looking for any additional feedback! :)

I <3 MFP


  • reneekay22
    reneekay22 Posts: 1 Member
    Google the 3 day diet. I am on my last day of this and have already lost 8 lbs just after 2 days. Sticking to it strickly is the key.
  • Join a Boot Camp class for one month. They will force you to work muscles you don't usually work and they will push you to your limits!
  • but I do want to do it the natural day. I have done the 3 day diets; however, you will find that you will gain it right back when you go back to a regular diet of 1200 calories or so.
  • beth40n2
    beth40n2 Posts: 233 Member
    I checked out your food diary and you are eating good foods. The part that concerns me is your low calorie count. My doctor said not to go unter 1200 calories except a rare day. You need 1200 and eat back your calories. With that low calorie intake, you are slowing down your metabolism.
  • keledawn20
    keledawn20 Posts: 23 Member
    I also set my first mini goal to lose 10 lbs by Aug 28th as this is my hubby's birthday! 3 day diet??? Googling now....
  • LadyOfOceanBreeze
    LadyOfOceanBreeze Posts: 762 Member
    Hi! have you tried adding green teas to your regimen?

    I like to brew extra strong by taking a four cup pyrex measuring cup

    adding 4 green tea bags to 1 flavored like vanilla or whatever you like,

    steep overnight and then in the morning after my first workout I pour it over lots of

    purified ice and off I go for the day. Sometimes I drink decaf green tea at night.

    I stay away from sweeteners altogether but will sometimes add unsweetened almond or

    coconut milk to my hot or cold teas. All of these things are alkaline which gives you a better immune system and

    the green tea boosts metabolism a lot! best wishes in all of your endeavors 8-)
  • Let140
    Let140 Posts: 1 Member
    Have you tried doing a 5-day clean eating?
  • Well I don't think the calorie count on this website is exactly correct. I imagine I am eating more than what was recorded although I am limiting myself I know that. Unfortunately that seems to be the only way I lose up to 3 lbs during the week and it althoughs me to keep it off. I will eat more when August 28th roles around. I'll try the green tea! thanks!
  • whats the 5 day cleaning diet?
  • AlmaMC
    AlmaMC Posts: 7
    Have you seen the documentary Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead? Check it out. It's very motivating. I just started juice diet yesterday, and I will do it for 7 days. It helps you lose weight and cleans your body. I am on my second day and feeling really good. I cooked dinner for my husband and my daughter last night, and had no cravings for the food. While they were eating the dinner, I was drinking my juice with no problem. Like everybody else, I was a little sceptical about proteins, but you will be surprised how much protein you can get through fruits and vegetables.

    Watch this documentary and check their web site out. The only down side of this diet is that it's a little expensive, as you have to buy lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, and have a good juicer.
  • gerl806
    gerl806 Posts: 1
    I am not sure if you would try diet pills but I take Saba ACE diet pills. Started them on July 24th and I am down 11 pounds! You take 1 first thing in the morning and after you eat breakfast you wait 2 hours and take another one then eat lunch and dinner! I am never hungry and fill up very quickly when I do eat! Good Luck!