Divorced, Depressed, & Done Overeating



  • Myxalplyx
    Myxalplyx Posts: 129 Member
    It's a struggle no doubt but it will feel great once you overcome them. Good luck with everything!
  • mysteps2beauty
    mysteps2beauty Posts: 493 Member
    edited November 2017
    Like a phoenix, you will rise from ashes of your former life, and build a better one cause you will have eliminated all the steps that got you there. It's so wonderful to have a 2nd chance. Be bold.
  • pavita3029
    pavita3029 Posts: 12 Member

    I've used MFP on and off sporadically, obviously with little results.
    For my health and happiness, lowering this 31 BMI is important.

    Can't wait to hear from you

    THIS!!! This is my 1000000000%, even down to the BMI!!!! Only difference is, I have not been divorced... engaged, instead and about to get married in spring. But in any case, I'd love to be friends and could use the support myself. I went through a VERY bad case of depression last year and am finally getting better but struggling to lose the weight I gained from medicines and the lack of movement. I definitely need the support myself through these holidays, especially for this being my first holiday out of the Navy after more than a decade! So I really prefer not to gain that "Veteran Weight" :( Add me! :)
  • ATR_JoCo_80
    ATR_JoCo_80 Posts: 25 Member
    Azercord wrote: »
    While I'm not divorced, the depression is seasonal, and the over eating has been curbed (well more I just run far enough now that it isn't a problem most days) I can help motivate and cheer you on. I can also help with any questions you might have (or point you towards someone who can) and share recipes (lots of good filling healthy ones).

    Add me if you want.

    This running thing...I hear it's good for you :-) Ha! Thanks so much for the encouragement. I look forward to the support!
  • ATR_JoCo_80
    ATR_JoCo_80 Posts: 25 Member
    Myxalplyx wrote: »
    It's a struggle no doubt but it will feel great once you overcome them. Good luck with everything!

    Thank you @Myxalplyx Best wishes for your continued success!
  • trackme
    trackme Posts: 239 Member
    edited November 2017
    Not divorced but just got out of a bad relationship where I gained 30#. He refused to eat healthy and I got into some very bad habits being with him. I now have no excuse and want to start living for me again and I'm happy to start my journey. I would love to have a bud for encouragement to keep me real and out of the dumps as well!
  • ATR_JoCo_80
    ATR_JoCo_80 Posts: 25 Member
    trackme wrote: »
    Not divorced but just got out of a bad relationship where I gained 30#. He refused to eat healthy and I got into some very bad habits being with him. I now have no excuse and want to start living for me again and I'm happy to start my journey. I would love to have a bud for encouragement to keep me real and out of the dumps as well!

    Glad we can connect @trackme I am slowly starting to live for me again, too. Happy to have you as a friend on this journey!
  • thapainmaker
    thapainmaker Posts: 152 Member
    Hey there just saw your title (I’m kinda busy) but I’m also going through a divorce that is absolutely consuming my life and mental energy right now, trying to stay fit and focused for my self too If want a friend who can relate feel free to add me... hope to see ya around
  • ATR_JoCo_80
    ATR_JoCo_80 Posts: 25 Member
    Hey there just saw your title (I’m kinda busy) but I’m also going through a divorce that is absolutely consuming my life and mental energy right now, trying to stay fit and focused for my self too If want a friend who can relate feel free to add me... hope to see ya around

    Sorry that you're going through that chaos @thapainmaker Stay strong - thanks for reaching out! I can take all of the support I can get!
  • ssmetter
    ssmetter Posts: 286 Member
    Would be great to get to know you and encourage you and to be encouraged by you!
    Add me to your friend list
  • wefts
    wefts Posts: 183 Member
    Been there , and the over eating and depression can happen even with a man in your life . But feeling lonley makes it hard to think positive .
    I am down 37 lbs I credit this site for helping me to stay on track . my best advice , come here every day , and log your foods , make some friends here so you have connections ( I find it really helps ) have 25 grams or more fiber every day , ( I make a high fiber smoothie to sip through the day ) the fiber keeps you slightly full so you are less prone to emotional binge eating. try to plan you meals in your head ( or on paper ) so you will get the foods that will help you be in control ready in the cupboard , fridge and freezer . Think ahead what healthy low cal foods do you like , make sure they are in the house . what unhealthy foods are you likely to binge on? make sure they are not in the house . You can do this , you already took a step, you came in and said hey I need help ! even if the help you need is just to not feel alone , we are here ,
  • Iamsimpleguy
    Iamsimpleguy Posts: 1,576 Member
    Welcome to MFP, All the best!!
  • ATR_JoCo_80
    ATR_JoCo_80 Posts: 25 Member
    Welcome to MFP, All the best!!

    thank you @Iamsimpleguy !
  • ATR_JoCo_80
    ATR_JoCo_80 Posts: 25 Member
    wefts wrote: »
    Been there , and the over eating and depression can happen even with a man in your life . But feeling lonley makes it hard to think positive .
    I am down 37 lbs I credit this site for helping me to stay on track . my best advice , come here every day , and log your foods , make some friends here so you have connections ( I find it really helps ) have 25 grams or more fiber every day , ( I make a high fiber smoothie to sip through the day ) the fiber keeps you slightly full so you are less prone to emotional binge eating. try to plan you meals in your head ( or on paper ) so you will get the foods that will help you be in control ready in the cupboard , fridge and freezer . Think ahead what healthy low cal foods do you like , make sure they are in the house . what unhealthy foods are you likely to binge on? make sure they are not in the house . You can do this , you already took a step, you came in and said hey I need help ! even if the help you need is just to not feel alone , we are here ,

    Thank you for the encouragement, @wefts !
  • ATR_JoCo_80
    ATR_JoCo_80 Posts: 25 Member
    ssmetter wrote: »
    Would be great to get to know you and encourage you and to be encouraged by you!
    Add me to your friend list

    Thank you for reaching out @ssmetter !
  • kcpond
    kcpond Posts: 661 Member
    I am just starting the journey you have been on. I have been on MFP for awhile now and slowly losing the weight. However, I am now just going through the divorce process. Trying to not let it derail my progress.

    Good luck on your journey, try to get into habit of logging regulary it helps even though it is hard to do. Feel free to add me if you wish.
  • ATR_JoCo_80
    ATR_JoCo_80 Posts: 25 Member
    kcpond wrote: »
    I am just starting the journey you have been on. I have been on MFP for awhile now and slowly losing the weight. However, I am now just going through the divorce process. Trying to not let it derail my progress.

    Good luck on your journey, try to get into habit of logging regulary it helps even though it is hard to do. Feel free to add me if you wish.

    Good to hear from you @kcpond - I appreciate the good vibes and encouragement. Best wishes!
  • BoiNeezy
    BoiNeezy Posts: 227 Member
    Add me if u like