67 lbs to lose! Anyone else have a similar goal?

Hey there. 2 years ago I started a very intense weight loss journey. I had the amazing support of my husband. I went from 265 lbs to 150 in 10 months. I didn’t starve myself, and I didn’t obsessively workout. I walked pretty much everywhere and ate when I was hungry. We were living in Korea, and only had one car, I didn’t have much of a choice other than walking. I was feeling soooo good! Well, then a very stressful event occurred that put me into a tailspin of binge eating. I also started drinking alcohol again. Since Oct of last year I’ve gained 67 lbs back. I am working to get it back off using MFP the healthy way. I just need some supportive friends here that I can check in with. Please be kind. I know I lost my weight very quickly. I naturally have always been able to lose weight quickly. And I also gain weight quickly. Feel free to add me. My diary is open to my friends. This way I can keep myself truly accountable on my eating habits. Thanks for taking the time to read. I hope y’all have a great day.


  • VBigman
    VBigman Posts: 5 Member
    yours is truly an Amazing story to loose the weight you did the way you did shows real dedication if you can do it once i'm sure you can deal with anything going on in your life and loose those extra 67lbs
  • kittyblackstar
    kittyblackstar Posts: 12 Member
    Hi, That’s great that you were able to lose the weight initially so I’m sure once you get back into it you’ll be able to do so again! I’m in a similar situation in that over the past 2 years I’ve gained about 40lbs so I’m trying to lose that and then another 40 more! My diet has always been my downfall so maybe we can keep each other accountable!
  • vanajaranikotha
    vanajaranikotha Posts: 6 Member
    Yes, I have similar goal like yours, I lost 50 pounds and gained back 25 pounds, trying to look those pounds .
  • mushak
    mushak Posts: 4 Member
    Close to same amount I need to loose
  • azironasun
    azironasun Posts: 137 Member
    I also have 68 pounds to still lose. Feel free to add me.
  • HeatherTudor
    HeatherTudor Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks everyone for the words of encouragement. All of you have been added or sent a request. I know we got this. We are better off doing this together vs doing this alone.
  • kstaines227
    kstaines227 Posts: 5 Member
    I have a similar story. I actually had gastric bypass surgery in 2002. I dropped 100 pounds. I felt great, looked great and felt I was on my way to a happier, healthier me. Like you, I am an emotional eater. By having the surgery, I was attempting to put a bandaid on a gaping wound. I never addressed WHY I was at that weight. I had a very stressful series of events a year or so afterward that threw me into an emotional tailspin. I began my binge eating and self destruction once again. Over a little over a year's time, I had gained back most all of my weight. And to rub salt in the wound, I was left with digestive issues from the surgery. So not only was I fat again but I was fat with health issues that really could have been avoided. So I am doing this the right way like I should have in the first place. I was running a sprint race and only recently realized that it is a marathon that I should have been running. It really is a journey. We all have our demons. I have 60 more pounds to loose now. We are all in this together else we wouldn't be here. Hang in there. You can do this. :)
  • garycoops111
    garycoops111 Posts: 3 Member
    that is my goal as well. feel free to add me.
  • BetsyBidez1105
    BetsyBidez1105 Posts: 15 Member
    Its crazy how stress causes you to gain/lose weight. I've had a wonderfuly stressful year and need to lose at least 40 pounds now. How much time would you spend walking daily? My doctor recommended 1-2 hours for me but I feel like I'd get bored quickly. Unfortunately I can't do much right now bc of a back injury.
  • NR81206
    NR81206 Posts: 54 Member
    Same goal here! I've lost 48# of the 67# so far, with eating better portions and walking.. SW 202# CW 155# GW 135-140# feel free to add me.
  • lucerorojo
    lucerorojo Posts: 790 Member
    I have 68 lbs. to lose. (down from 100!)
  • Danuelle11
    Danuelle11 Posts: 22 Member
    I have 65