hello all

:smile: Hi . My name is ED. Im trying to lose weight because Im tired of being out of shape and getting tired all the time. I was diagnosed with type 2 diebetes. I used to weight 220 lbs and im 5 6. I now weight 209 lbs and trying to reach my goal of 160 lbs. I decided that i want to change my bad eating habbits and change my life style. I returned to getting back in shape by joining Tiger Shulmann MMa and doing BJJ at Renzo Academy in the Bronx. Im trying to do stuff I love to do and enjoy at same time. I have a daughter and wife. My other reason I want to change is because I want to teach my family better eating habbits and excersice.


  • Diana35bha
    Diana35bha Posts: 292 Member
    Hi Ed

    Welcome to MFP, it's a great place to get support & motivation. Feel free to add me if you like.

    Good Luck on your journey

    Di :smile:
  • LaDiablesse
    LaDiablesse Posts: 862 Member
    Welcome Ed! I think you'll like it here!
  • BLADE2020
    It nice to have this tool. Its a great way to keep me honest and look at the foods Im eating. Its a wake up call when you actually have to input all your meals and look what you eat. I will definately enjoy this lol.