iPhone step tracker ???

I recently purchased an iPhone 6 and was excited when I found out it would track my steps. Well over the weekend I knew I wasn’t going to get many steps in because, well I like to relax on the weekend lol. The app suggests that I get 10,000 steps a day and over the weekend I got around 3500. So today I went back to work and wa excited because I thought I would surely get in WAY more steps because I clean houses for a living. Right now I am sorely disappointed because it only says I logged close to 4000?! What the heck?! I seriously walked around for 8 hours!! I looked up the accuracy and it says it’s supposed to be pretty good. So, how come it’s basically the same as if I was sitting for a good bit of the day? I don’t think there are enough hours in the day to get to 10,000! Am I doing something wrong?


  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    edited November 2017
    Unfortunately cleaning houses involves a lot of standing plus other movement, and not a lot of walking. It is a few steps here a couple there, but not a lot of continuous walking.
    Most trackers need some continuous steps for them to register the movement.

    I don't count steps, but out of curiosity after reading your post earlier in the day I tracked doing the housework for 2 hrs. It was 1492 steps. This was up and down stairs 4 times with laundry, in and out 2 bedrooms multiple times, same with hallway, changing the beds, stood in the kitchen washing dishes, and vacuuming a 29x17 ft room.

    I felt like I had been on the go all the time, and I was- it just wasn't a lot of steps.

    It was an iPhone SE that I tracked with.

    Don't be discouraged by not meeting the 10000 steps, you got in quite a bit of full body activity- and personally I like that better than steps. That is why I don't count them.

    Cheers, h.

    PS it would take me about 90 min of continuous walking to hit 10000 steps.
  • cs2thecox
    cs2thecox Posts: 533 Member
    My iPhone step count is way off, compared to my FitBit.
    I don't know how iPhones count, but I'm guessing having it in your back pocket isn't as good as a step counter on your wrist... I don't know. Maybe try carrying it in different places to see if that has any effect? Not glam, but maybe some kind of arm band would give a more accurate reading?
  • doonied
    doonied Posts: 15 Member
    I use my iPhone 6 to count my steps too and although I'm not 100% sure of the accuracy...I allow it to help me stay motivated. I figure even if I'm off it's encouraging to move around and be active...I am interested in getting some type of fitbit though to see if there is a difference if I wear it in my wrist versus having it in my back pocket... I'm here for motivation and support too...feel free to add me as a friend
  • kamurray85
    kamurray85 Posts: 8 Member
    Unfortunately cleaning houses involves a lot of standing plus other movement, and not a lot of walking. It is a few steps here a couple there, but not a lot of continuous walking.
    Most trackers need some continuous steps for them to register the movement.

    I don't count steps, but out of curiosity after reading your post earlier in the day I tracked doing the housework for 2 hrs. It was 1492 steps. This was up and down stairs 4 times with laundry, in and out 2 bedrooms multiple times, same with hallway, changing the beds, stood in the kitchen washing dishes, and vacuuming a 29x17 ft room.

    I felt like I had been on the go all the time, and I was- it just wasn't a lot of steps.

    It was an iPhone SE that I tracked with.

    Don't be discouraged by not meeting the 10000 steps, you got in quite a bit of full body activity- and personally I like that better than steps. That is why I don't count them.

    Cheers, h.

    PS it would take me about 90 min of continuous walking to hit 10000 steps.

    It’s so funny to me that you tried it too!! Lol! That’s so awesome! I’ve been carrying my phone in my front pocket so it can feel my leg moving. I thought that would be the most accurate. Thank you all who commented! It’s definitely more important that I’m actually up moving around than my steps being tracked lol. What I really need to work on though is strengthening my core because after all that work, my lower back is killing me!!! Lol
  • kamurray85
    kamurray85 Posts: 8 Member
    eylesda wrote: »
    I downloaded a free app called pedometer which calculates step length though is adjustable as in walk ten paces then put in your average step length. It then beeps every 1,000 steps and records every step over a given period or until it is reset. I have checked by counting my steps over 2km and found it to be very accurate. Data is also based on height, weight and age and even sensitivity of foot fall. great value for money too! And I have just seen that it connects to MFP as well.

    Thanks! I’ll check that out!

  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    Just thought I would pop back to say I have used the runtastic pedometer that @eylesda recommended when training for 10km races a few years ago, walking. Yes it does link to MFP.

    You may find the runtastic Me app useful for day to day step counting. Not sure if that links to MFP though.

    Cheers, h.