Fabulous Holiday Fitness Challenge (December)

rynthae Posts: 13 Member
Hello everyone!

With the winter holidays almost upon us, I wanted to personally challenge myself to step up my game and get active again. I've been pretty lax here lately, so I want to really work on building strength and toning up this month (and the months afterwards hopefully). Something tangible always helps me with challenging myself: a list to cross off, a physical piece of paper to stare me down and hold me accountable in a conspicuous place. So I made a print-out for my monthly challenge, and wanted to share it with all of you!

I would be very excited if anyone would like to join me in this challenge, and we can help keep each other accountable and help motivate each other.

Because this challenge is based off of my personal goals, there is some dance practice built into it, but feel free to substitute zumba, kickboxing, or any other fast-pased cardio exercise in its place if you'd prefer. I compiled this challenge based on a few other challenges (the fABulous February challenge, the monthly planking challenge) and added in a few extra elements such as yoga, arm exercises, and squats to help balance things out. Feel free to switch the rest days out if you would prefer certain days off.

Good luck everyone!

