5 things you have learnt whilst one this weight loss journey

ExerciseGeek Posts: 183 Member
Hi, I would LOVE :heart: to hear 5 things in which you have learnt on this weight loss journey...

Heres mine to start it off...

1.eating less than 1200 will most definatly put my body in starvation mode:sick: :huh:
2.Working out everyday for months takes it toll, have a week off after 6-7 weeks of training
3.It takes time to get results, patience and dedication is the key:drinker:
4.My realistic goal- At first I was setting targets to achieve too high (The ingredient for failure):yawn:
5.People try to knock you down when they are jealous, hold your head up and keep going :tongue:

Looking foward to hearing your 5... I could go on and on and on :laugh:


  • EvelynForsyth
    EvelynForsyth Posts: 272 Member
    Nice idea!
    i have learnt that
    1. MFP actually really works, it uses the age old eat better/move more idea. Oldie but a goodie!
    2. You don't have to be 100% strict with yourself all the time but you also need to have some serious willpower(especially when out with friends!)
    3. I will repeat what exercise geek said - it takes time, i find that i eat well for a week and expect to look like a supermodel. Doesnt work like that unfortuanetly :(
    4. Unless you take photos or get yourself a 6pack, you dont seem to notice the changes in your own body until someone points them out or you suddenly realise you can see a bone
    5. it takes 21 days to make a routine for yourself, it is actually possible to get up and just workout without thinking/getting stressed/worrying about it.

    Just do it!
  • t_rog
    t_rog Posts: 363 Member
    Good idea!

    1. Ditto on yours. I've learned a lot about minimum calories/starvation mode
    2. We are all capable of WAY MORE than we think we are!
    3. A bad calorie day here and there(even a bad week!) won't kill you. Despite your fears, you will NOT gain back all your weight. Just hop back on!
    4. This process is an ongoing one and patience is a must. I've wanted to quit so many times because I wasn't losing weight "fast enough". But soon enough, I know i'll be satisfied with everything i've done
    5. A support system is KEY!!! I don't think I could've gotten this far without all my MF pals :)
  • 1) i can lose weight
    2) everyone hates carbs
    3) people are so much nicer then real life
    4) how to control calories
    5) you cant sit and moan
  • Julezebub
    Julezebub Posts: 106
    I like your 5, I agree with them all. Particularly taking a week off after 6 to 7 weeks intensive. I seem to do that one unintentionally like whenever I've got a holiday coming up I do an intensive 6 weeks and then don't feel bad at all for really enjoying my break!

    I have one to add: Sugary food makes you hungry!
    So when you're trying to stick to a low calorie diet even if you are sticking to your calories goals think twice about eating sugary treats because it starts off a chain reaction of hunger and craving.
  • Hi, I would LOVE :heart: to hear 5 things in which you have learnt on this weight loss journey...

    Heres mine to start it off...

    1.eating less than 1200 will most definatly put my body in starvation mode:sick: :huh:
    2.Working out everyday for months takes it toll, have a week off after 6-7 weeks of training
    3.It takes time to get results, patience and dedication is the key:drinker:
    4.My realistic goal- At first I was setting targets to achieve too high (The ingredient for failure):yawn:
    5.People try to knock you down when they are jealous, hold your head up and keep going :tongue:

    Looking foward to hearing your 5... I could go on and on and on :laugh:

    Here's a few of mine.
    1. Weight loss is a journey for life; not a destination. Getting to your goal weight is just a part of the process.
    2. You have to keep at it. Unless you make a lifestyle change and keep to it, the weight will creep back on.
    3. Stress and lack of sleep are not condusive to weight loss and keeping it off.
    4. Eat your exercise points if you want.....
    5. You need to track what you eat and your exercise or you will lose track!
  • Love it

    1) I can do this
    2) Buying a set of scales makes it all real
    3) It's not as hard as I first though
    4) I do have the ability to feel better about myself
    5) I can help others by telling them about this useful site
  • mefeight1964
    mefeight1964 Posts: 88 Member
    The top five things I've learned since starting my journey?

    1. Diets end. THIS is a life change. :)
    2. Change is good. When you hit a plateau, change up your calorie intake and activities. It keeps your body from growing accustomed to the same old thing.
    3. The scale is just one tool in monitoring the changes in your body and it doesn't always reflect the whole picture.
    4. I didn't gain the weight overnight and I won't lose it overnight either.
    5. Make each day a game you can win - eat well, stay within your calorie range and be active and the pounds will come off. Look at the BIG picture and keep your eyes focused on it.
  • anevels
    anevels Posts: 16 Member
    I have definitely learned alot since i started this journey

    1 Get an accountability partner who REALLY has your best interest @ heart. they will give you honest feedback and support
    2. track EVERYTHING you eat immediately, it's amazing how selective our memories can be when you try to recall the details later
    3. It's OK to have a TASTE of something you crave; depriving yourself will set you back or lead to a calorie binge overload
    4. Keep healthy choices in your house; if it's not there to tempt you, you probably wont get dressed and go get it; distance helps
    5. Set realistic goals, you didnt gain it all in 3 months, dont expect to lose it all quickly. Celebrate the small victories one day @ a time
  • Sway
    Sway Posts: 100 Member
    Agree with all of you!! :smile:
  • jagoochie
    jagoochie Posts: 218 Member
    1 - you can eat loads if you eat healthy veggies and fruit!
    2 - i dont think ive been eating right or enough food for ages (probably why ive platued)
    3 - i enjoy exercise and having me time
    4 - getting up early to exercise is hard but worth it
    5 - its about getting healthy and feeling good - not about loosing weight, but hopefully that will be a side effect of it!

  • MrsM1ggins
    MrsM1ggins Posts: 724 Member
    1. Determination is the key - without it you are doomed to fail
    2. You don't have to be hungry to lose weight
    3. Some people talk all the time about their 'diet' but don't actually walk the talk
    4. Exercise is great fun
    5. Even people who tell you you're doing really well aren't above criticising when you select the healthy option on the menu
  • LickyNees
    LickyNees Posts: 101 Member
    1. (snap!) Less than 1200 kcals is too low. You may need more calories than you think =o)
    2. Watch your sodium intake. Sodium increases water absorption and the scales can go up =o(
    3. Watch your fruit intake. Sweet foods (even fruits) cause quick rise in blood sugar causing a rise in insulin & fat to be stored for future use i.e. weight gain.
    4. The scale of importance of water in relation to weight loss. I never knew how important it was and how little I drank!
    5. Everyone falls off the bandwagon - just get back up!!
  • jojowink
    jojowink Posts: 189 Member
    great boost!!

    1: you can't just wish it, you have to DO it!
    2: being too strict on yourself doesn't help
    3: working out feels GOOD & makes me less of a ***** in the morning
    4: we all have bad days- just shake it off & keep going
    5: i like my MFP friends, old & new, for all the support they give unconditionally
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    1. Certain foods just can't be eaten in public (bananas, celery, carrots...)
    2. Running in the moring = more energy during the day
    3. Cursing the elliptical and insulting it's family make the 45 minute hill challenge better
    4. Never run out of peanut butter
    5. "I have to run tonight" is not an acceptable reason to cancel a date...
  • chezmama
    chezmama Posts: 396 Member
    1) I cannot be told what to do by other people, but the numbers can guide me in a way that other people can't. (My issue..not theirs).
    2) Drinking 8 glasses of water isn't that hard.
    3) How to get enough fiber each day.
    4) Slow and steady but doable forever is better than doing what I will not sustain and eventually will stop doing.
    5) I used to say I didn't want to work as hard as it would take to lose weight...but the way I am doing this, it isn't hard at all!
  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    1) I wish I had kept my mouth shut about having weight loss surgery because the stigma and abuse is disgusting.

    2) Have whatever you want, but dont take the piss.

    3) Drink more water!

    4) Even with a tool, you still have to work hard, and you feel better inside for it.

    5) Just because that dress is in the sale, it probably wont fit in 6 weeks so is it really worth buying?
  • JKrause80
    JKrause80 Posts: 4 Member
    1. Having a partner who can relate to you is VERY helpful!
    2. Reading an encouraging book (Made to Crave by Lysa TerKeurst) is even MORE helpful!
    3. The more active I become, the less I want to sit around doing nothing. I want to move now.
    4. This is a journey, not a destination... for the rest of my life.
    5. Weekends at the lake were sabotaging my progress. I can enjoy myself without drinking a 12 pack of beer. Vodka (1 shot) & lite lemonade in a really large mug is refreshing, lasts a long time, and only contains 60 calories. :D
  • _beachgirl_
    _beachgirl_ Posts: 3,865 Member
    1. That I can do this!

    2. That the should I eat my calories back question will be debated to the end of time.

    3. That no one will ever have as awesome of a tan as BEERRUNNER!

    4. That so many people do not know the difference between "loose" and "lose."

    5. That there are so many beautiful, awesome people on here that are supportive and fun and I am happy they are my MFP friends!
  • angelicdisgrace
    angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
    You can't eat donuts.
    You can't eat cupcakes
    You can't eat nachos
    You can't eat brownies
    You can't eat anything that tastes good
  • spackham
    spackham Posts: 252 Member
    1. I can eat whatever and whenever I want (within calories) and lose weight
    2. I am willing to work for food and treats with hard exercise.
    3. Losing weight is fun!
    4. MFPal and Peeps are key to accountability and support.
    5. The way I now feel is worth all the effort.