Keeping track is the only way!

susansarkiss Posts: 3 Member
edited 6:27PM in Introduce Yourself
I joined yesterday, and feel I have come to the realization that the only way for me to lose weight is to actually see and track what I am eating, and how much I am exercising. I had only one significant "REAL" weight loss period in my life and that was when I was in college living in the dorms. The cafeteria posted the nutrional break-down next to each food selection. This was a revelation to me. Though I didn't keep a daily diary, I kept track in my head how many calories I had already consumed that day and started to learn how to take proper proportions of food for each meal. I lost 40 pounds that year, and only occasionally felt hungry (you know those days when you think you will boost your diet by fasting - major fail!).
Twenty years later, I have forgoten everything and now my body is doing wierd things. I just went on a 3 week trip where we did intensive walking almost daily in the hot sun. I decided that if I was careful about what I eat, I should see some decent weight loss. You guessed it - I came back five pounds heavier. I could not believe it and considered going to the doctor, because I thought there was something wrong with me. Here is where I failed - I had no idea of the actual caloric intake of my meals and was just trying to "wing-it". I also think there was the psychology that all that walking entitled me to a few extra bites!
So I am optimistic that this tracking idea is really going to help me be successful. I downloaded to my phone the app, so there should be no excuses. Wish me luck and I wish you all the same.


  • sbrown44
    sbrown44 Posts: 82
    Welcome and you can do this. Nice job adding the app! Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • 68sylvia
    68sylvia Posts: 25 Member
    you will do great
  • FaeryBaby
    FaeryBaby Posts: 104 Member
    Good luck! I find keeping track to be working wonders for me. Feel free to add me :)
  • I got this app a couple of days ago, a freind who is using it (and has lost 100 pounds since feb) turned me on to it. It is without a doubt the best tracking app out there.
  • susansarkiss
    susansarkiss Posts: 3 Member
    I used the phone app. for the first time yesterday and found that it wasn't as "friendly" as using the website, but it serves its purpose. Right now it takes me a while to enter food or exercise, but I figure that the more I do this, the easier it will get.
  • DebWasher
    DebWasher Posts: 10 Member
    I am new to but I am not new to losing weight. I was on Weight Watchers until they pulled out of our town because we didn't have enough people coming (only 12). So I was doing the WW website too, and tracking their way. When I found through the apps on my itouch I was very excited and dropped WW immediately. Yes, the app is limited, but it is WAY better than WW's app. Much easier to track.

    I have lost 64 lbs since April 2010. It hasn't been as difficult as I expected - the two keys are 1)Tracking - the phrase I took away from my WW group was "Only track on days that you want to lose weight" - -and that's true. This is a great tool for that - and encouraging at the end of the day. 2) key to weight loss is accountability. Have SOMEONE - either in person or on this site who you will be accountable to - someone who can encourage and support you in both successes and set backs. And never call a weight gain a failure - just consider it feedback for your next day. I know I need to track, and it's not so bad. Tracking forces you to really look at your food choices, and see that the ice cream sundae is just not worth the extra exercise you have to put in to negate it. I go for the smoothie made with a sweetener instead. But I DO have a sundae every once in a while - and pizza, and all of the other foods I love - but only in moderation and only once in a while.

    I won't say "Good Luck" because luck has nothing to do with it. I will say - Go for it! It feels really good to throw away your old clothes and get new ones - to go into the store and buy that smaller size, and not have to go to the plus size section. I still have about 20 more lbs to lose - and I am looking forward to finding support on this site too.

    Have a great day! Deb
  • DebWasher
    DebWasher Posts: 10 Member
    Agreed. Great App for tracking and encouragement.
  • susansarkiss
    susansarkiss Posts: 3 Member
    This tracking really opens my eyes to the true "cost" of food and how much physical activity is needed to "pay" for it. This system I think is the best way to keep me honest.
  • terryrob2
    terryrob2 Posts: 76 Member
    Hi you sound like me don't know to start but trying to learn as I go good luck
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