20in6 WEIGH IN for Week 2 [closed]

Hi ladies! We've done TWO weeks already! We're 1/3 of the way done! Wow! Here is the form for this week:

Starting Weight (7/21):

Week 1 Weight (7/28):
Week 1 Minutes:

Week 2 Weight (8/4):
Week 2 Minutes:

I really am, honestly, proud of everyone! :-) Keep it up! Don't give up now!


  • cherrydietcoke1
    Hi everyone, ill say well done in advance to all of you!
    Not good week for me, stayed same weight, putting it down to a bad weekend (takeaway and a wedding)
    And maybe doing a lot of 30 day shred all of a sudden rather than the gym? Not sure BUT since I started.30ds I've lost inches!
    Week 1 lost 2lb, did 110 min exercise
    Week 2 sts did 125 min exercise.

    Gonna really behave this week! X
  • aoifebr
    aoifebr Posts: 92
    Hey everyone,

    2 weeks in how is everyone feeling?

    Username: aoifebr
    Starting Weight (7/21): 87.9kg (193lb)
    Week 1 Weight (7/28): 87kg (191lb)
    Week 1 Minutes: 270 mins
    Week 2 Weight (8/4): 86.6kg (190lb)
    Week 2 Minutes: 360min

    It felt like a bigger achievement when I stood on the scales this morning - I think I forgotten about last weeks 87 and was looking at the drop from 87.9 - oh well its all moving consistently in the right direction.
  • leslturn8
    leslturn8 Posts: 505 Member
    Username: leslturn8
    Starting Weight (7/21): 75 kilos/ 165lb

    Week 1 Weight (7/28): 74.9 kilos
    Week 1 Minutes: 260

    Week 2 Weight (8/4): 74.9 kilos
    Week 2 Minutes: 693

    I'm disappointed but its that time for me so I am putting my lack of loss down to water retention! Bring on next weeks weigh in! I have been working out like there is no tomorrow and my food has been in the green :)
  • shelleycolton
    shelleycolton Posts: 400 Member
    Hi All,

    User Name: Shelleycolton
    SW (7/21) 242lbs

    Wk 1 Weight 244
    Wk 1 Minutes 309

    Wk 2 Weight 244
    Wk 2 Minutes 366

    I stayed the same I have checked my measurements since rejoining MFP early July, this gym thing is paying off
    Lost 1cm of Waist
    Lost 5cm of Hips

    Next week will be really difficult i'm off camping so probably won't be able weigh in.
  • aoifebr
    aoifebr Posts: 92
    Great work Shelly you might have put on some muscle as well as the loss in inches.... I bet you can notice the difference...

    Lesley OMG how many hours of training is that - your a machine!!! I'm tried just looking at 693 minutes....
  • leslturn8
    leslturn8 Posts: 505 Member
    Great work Shelly you might have put on some muscle as well as the loss in inches.... I bet you can notice the difference...

    Lesley OMG how many hours of training is that - your a machine!!! I'm tried just looking at 693 minutes....
    Just over 11 hours!
  • butterfly0589
    butterfly0589 Posts: 167 Member
    Username: tcmummy
    Starting Weight (7/21): 192.4lb

    Week 1 Weight (7/28): 191.6
    Week 1 Minutes: cant remember

    Week 2 Weight (8/4): 188.6
    Week 2 Minutes: 375

    hope everyone is well and here's to week 3! xxx
  • gorguslyjealous
    gorguslyjealous Posts: 78 Member
    Username: gorguslyjealous
    Starting Weight (7/21): 178

    Week 1 Weight (7/28): 176.6
    Week 1 Minutes: 218

    Week 2 Weight (8/4): 176.6
    Week 2 Minutes: 220

    Hey everyone!! So this week I didn't lose any weight, but I know it's because I didn't do awesome over the weekend with eating, I am giong to try to stay more strong this week && do what I need to do so I an have a loss next week!

    Great job to everyone else, I'm proud of you for tracking everything and staying strong, we all have rough times, but we can get through this together! :))
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    Username: AmerTunsi

    Starting Weight (7/21):353

    Week 1 (7/28): 347
    Week 1 Minutes: 788

    Week 2 Weight (8/4) 342
    Week 2 Minutes: 700

    Have a great third week everyone! I know I'm going to be pushing myself to be more focused, i felt a bit distracted this past week and missed a day or two of workouts! On the bright side i never went over my calorie goal!
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    Hi All,

    User Name: Shelleycolton
    SW (7/21) 242lbs

    Wk 1 Weight 244
    Wk 1 Minutes 309

    Wk 2 Weight 244
    Wk 2 Minutes 366

    I stayed the same I have checked my measurements since rejoining MFP early July, this gym thing is paying off
    Lost 1cm of Waist
    Lost 5cm of Hips

    Next week will be really difficult i'm off camping so probably won't be able weigh in.

    Inches lost is even better! I mean don't get me wrong I wanna see the small number on the scale too, but ultimately we just wanna see a visible difference right? Congrats! Have fun camping and burning those calories!
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    Sooooooooooo I jumped the gun a lil this morning and had assumed I hadn't lost any since yesterday .. but oh no I did! So here is the correct weight for today! I'm so excited!

    Username: AmerTunsi

    Starting Weight (7/21):353

    Week 1 (7/28): 347
    Week 1 Minutes: 788

    Week 2 Weight (8/4) 339.8
    Week 2 Minutes: 700
  • gorguslyjealous
    gorguslyjealous Posts: 78 Member
    Sooooooooooo I jumped the gun a lil this morning and had assumed I hadn't lost any since yesterday .. but oh no I did! So here is the correct weight for today! I'm so excited!

    Username: AmerTunsi

    Starting Weight (7/21):353

    Week 1 (7/28): 347
    Week 1 Minutes: 788

    Week 2 Weight (8/4) 339.8
    Week 2 Minutes: 700

    GREAT job girl!!
  • marieuno
    marieuno Posts: 16 Member
    Username: marieuno
    Starting Weight (7/21): 218.6

    Week 1 Weight (7/28): 215.4
    Week 1 Minutes: 180

    Week 2 Weight (8/4): ? I forgot to jump on this morning :frown:
    Week 2 Minutes: only 90 :embarassed:

    This had been a ruff week, mainly because I did such a bad job over the weekend. I had hoped to make up for it during the week, but I had some stressors that I let get the best of me and zap my energy and focus. Two weeks in and I had hoped to be further along. I am gonna get my head back into the game this week.

    However I see that everyone else is doing a great job. Keep it up! Cheers to you all! :drinker:
  • katieeweiss
    katieeweiss Posts: 185 Member
    Username: katieerin90
    Starting Weight (7/21): 179 lbs

    Week 1 Weight (7/28): 178 lbs
    Week 1 Minutes: 399

    Week 2 Weight (8/4): 178 lbs
    Week 2 Minutes: 451

    I'm not sure why I'm not losing weight? I better be losing inches!!! :sad:
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member

    That would be my guess is that it is in the inches. P90X is pretty hardcore and into strength training. Take measurements!
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    Sooooooooooo I jumped the gun a lil this morning and had assumed I hadn't lost any since yesterday .. but oh no I did! So here is the correct weight for today! I'm so excited!

    Username: AmerTunsi

    Starting Weight (7/21):353

    Week 1 (7/28): 347
    Week 1 Minutes: 788

    Week 2 Weight (8/4) 339.8
    Week 2 Minutes: 700

    GREAT job girl!!

    Thank You! I'm still pretty high off the joy of it! I started this weight loss journey thinking it is a numbers game .. what you put and what you put out .. so far that seems to be the case!!
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    Username: marieuno
    Starting Weight (7/21): 218.6

    Week 1 Weight (7/28): 215.4
    Week 1 Minutes: 180

    Week 2 Weight (8/4): ? I forgot to jump on this morning :frown:
    Week 2 Minutes: only 90 :embarassed:

    This had been a ruff week, mainly because I did such a bad job over the weekend. I had hoped to make up for it during the week, but I had some stressors that I let get the best of me and zap my energy and focus. Two weeks in and I had hoped to be further along. I am gonna get my head back into the game this week.

    However I see that everyone else is doing a great job. Keep it up! Cheers to you all! :drinker:

    Hang in there and let us know how we are your teammates can help you! You still have 4 weeks to go, so with some effort you can still hit the target!
  • katieeweiss
    katieeweiss Posts: 185 Member

    That would be my guess is that it is in the inches. P90X is pretty hardcore and into strength training. Take measurements!

    I sure hope so!!! Thanks. :-)
  • butterfly0589
    butterfly0589 Posts: 167 Member
    i would assume inches as well Katie! well done to all whether you've lost or not (inches or lbs/kg) a let you're logging which's better than some! Good luck to all for week three!! Katie I've just remembered you set us a challenge to try and stay 'in the green' 5/7, how did everyone do with that? I managed my 5/7 but 2/7 was WAY in the red!! Everybody stay focused, WE CAN DO THIS! :happy:
  • marieuno
    marieuno Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks for the support