Off and on every day-struggling to stay consistent

So here is how my day will usually go:
1. I wake up feeling motivated. I exercise, drink plenty of water, and eat a healthy breakfast
2. I go to lunch and start craving other food, but the food I crave is loaded with calories
3. Someone offers me a candy bar or I pass a vending machine and I give up. I bulge for the rest of the day and say "I will start again tommorow
4. Repeat
Does anyone have any tips to get me off of this cycle? It's frustrating and miserable. Thanks!


  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,519 Member
    edited November 2017
    kib113356 wrote: »
    So here is how my day will usually go:
    1. I wake up feeling motivated. I exercise, drink plenty of water, and eat a healthy breakfast
    2. I go to lunch and start craving other food, but the food I crave is loaded with calories
    3. Someone offers me a candy bar or I pass a vending machine and I give up. I bulge for the rest of the day and say "I will start again tommorow
    4. Repeat
    Does anyone have any tips to get me off of this cycle? It's frustrating and miserable. Thanks!

    Maybe ... change your pattern. Perhaps skip breakfast, and just have a light mid-morning snack instead. Perhaps walk or cycle as part of your commute to work in addition to your "exercise". Perhaps plan for a decent mid-afternoon snack. Maybe go for a quick brisk walk after lunch followed by another tall glass of water or cup of tea. Prelog everything including 1 "candy bar". There are lots of different things you could try.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,111 Member
    Fit some of the higher calorie stuff and a candy bar into your day, it can be done and makes losing weight a lot less miserable, you are less likely to crave something if you're already having it in moderation.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    When we want to lose weight we have to want to lose badly enough to make changes. The good news is small changes make all the difference.
    If you plan ahead, prepare your lunch ahead of time e.g. and there's nothing wrong with having a candy bar if it fits into your calorie allowance.
  • doonied
    doonied Posts: 15 Member
    Everyday is a new day to try again...
    You can always improve,
    You can always try again,
    Consistency is the most important thing...
  • sksk1026
    sksk1026 Posts: 215 Member
    I'd add more protein and fat to breakfast. And have a plan for lunch - take it with you or know exactly what you're going to order. If you're uncontrollably hungry before lunch and it makes it difficult to stay on track then have some nuts 20 mins before lunchtime. 16 smokehouse almonds are delicious and will take the edge off your appetite. Also, take a look at your macros and see if there is a pattern to your cravings. What was the macro split on the days you did better. It's also worth looking at the macros of the night before a good day. And carry a water bottle. 500ml of water 20 min before lunch will help. Good for you, for persisting!!!
  • ckauszler
    ckauszler Posts: 25 Member
    Let the people around you.know your in a healthy diet and you would appreciate if they didn't offer you sweets or anything that may Sabatoge your goals. That helped me a lot. And I drink water constantly all day long. When I get snack cravings. Feel free to add me as I love to support others and give ideas.
  • sksk1026
    sksk1026 Posts: 215 Member
    Saw an unusual tip on the mfp blog that I'm going to try too. Have a small tasteless snack to help you last to next meal e.g. a teaspoon of olive oil. Nothing to eat for an hour either side of snack. It does something good to the hunger hormone grehlin.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,324 Member
    gosh.. i can relate.. the yo yo.- not diet--..but motivation yo yo. I will add that if you pay attention to the foods you're eating.. you'll find some of them leave you hungry or experiencing cravings later. if you can identify those and switch to foods that don't lead to does help.
    it could be what you're eating for your healthy breakfast.. ..because you're derailed by lunch

    i know if i eat a cup of high fiber healthy cereal with low fat milk .. i crave other foods all day long, like a big macs. insane things i'd never normally want. Same with canned soups. so strange...
  • debradugas9
    debradugas9 Posts: 162 Member
    I have these days. I try to stick to my diary and if I can squeeze something in then great bu5 if not then I try to put it in for the next day if I'm craving it. I hope this helps...