Scale won't budge!! Need help!

I have been actively working out for almost 2 months, and watching what I eat/calories counting for about 3 weeks. During the 2 months I've only lost 2lbs!!!! It's very discouraging to get on the scale after working my butt off to continually see the same number on the scale. I need suggestions and advice to get the scale moving...I'm losing my motivation :(

Also, this is baby weight, and the weight is hanging out in my lower body (lower stomach, butt, and thighs).


  • Aczjohnson
    Aczjohnson Posts: 22 Member
    I am in the same boat! Mine is baby weight too, but my 'baby' is now 3. :noway: I workout 5-6 days a week and have started logging calories again. I've cleaned up my eating BIG time - aaaannnnnddd nothing. I was down 2 day before yesterday, and up that 2 again today. VERY frustrating.
  • Carmiel
    Carmiel Posts: 19 Member
    Uggg!! I feel your pain!! I'm trying to hold out on buying new jeans b/c I'm only one size away from my pre-pregnancy size, but they'll never fit over these hips if the scale doesn't move!!!