Trainer really must be talking rubbish? Help please



  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,735 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    The guilt cycle is so debilitating.

    1. You feel bad for a binge patch, gaining twelve pounds.
    2. Under-eat every day and over-train every day for four weeks.
    3. Be exhausted, hungry, guilty, and watch the scale....barely move.
    4. OMFG!!!!! What am I doing wrong?????
    5. Nothing. You are doing nothing wrong. Weight loss is a patient woman's game.

    1. Thank the trainer for their time and cancel the contract.
    2. Figure out your daily calorie allowance from MFP, estimating at a pound a week.
    3. Add one enjoyable exercise or sport.
    4. Weekly track your success at measuring and tracking your food, and your new sport. Also log how you are feeling.
    5. Enjoy a delightful Christmas dinner in a new outfit that fits your current size. Feel like a million bucks.

    That's good advice. And she didn't charge you a penny. I think there's a message in that about the value of your 'trainer'.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    TaorminaCK wrote: »
    I think he is being ridiculous!

    You hit the nail on the head.

    Reset your expectations and find a new trainer.

    You could also ask yourself if you really need someone to give you diet or weight loss advice - this tool gives you everything you need for free.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    TaorminaCK wrote: »
    It's very demotivating and I just can't see how it could be possible

    It shouldn't be demotivating because it is impossible.

    25 days to Christmas......26 pounds. That's a 91,000 calorie deficit (26x3500) in 25 days. 91,000/25=3,640 calorie deficit EVERY SINGLE DAY.

    You don't give your stats but let's say you are 6 feet tall, 20 years old, 250 pounds and very active. Your maintenance would be 3,763 calories. For a 3,640 calorie deficit you would need to live on 123 calories a day, never mind 1200. Good luck doing any kind of workouts with so little fuel. This can't be done.

    Get an idea of what your maintenance is..............

    1 pound a week subtract 500, 2 pounds a week subtract 1,000.
  • pogiguy05
    pogiguy05 Posts: 1,583 Member
    +1 dump the trainer
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    edited November 2017
    Christmas is in 4 weeks. 26 pounds (if it is all fat) is the equivalent of 91,000 calories (some of it is likely water). 91,000 divided by 27 days is a deficit of 3370 calories a day. If you ate 1200 calories that would mean you would need to burn off 4,570 calories per day to achieve that level of weight loss which is like 10 times a reasonable amount. That is ludicrous.

    Either trainer has no idea what he is talking about or he feels like giving you hope is more important than giving you factual information. Either way yeah dump them.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    Even if it were possible (it's not, but even if it were), what's the point? When you crash-diet, your weight bounces when you go back to eating normally, like you are probably planning to do on Christmas day. You'd be making yourself absolutely miserable for all of December in order to MAYBE see a number on the scale for one day.
  • TaorminaCK
    TaorminaCK Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you everyone for the comments
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    TaorminaCK wrote: »
    It's very demotivating and I just can't see how it could be possible

    It is completely unrealistic and unhealthy plan to lose 26 lbs in a month. It is good that you recognized that the trainer was saying something crazy.
    You certainly can lose 26 lbs but just at a slower rate than a month.

  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    Just to point out that 1200 calories, if gross, is also a bad idea with the activity you do. That's just where the calculator bottoms out but you're supposed to eat exercise calories.
  • 2baninja
    2baninja Posts: 518 Member
    TeaBea wrote: »
    TaorminaCK wrote: »
    It's very demotivating and I just can't see how it could be possible

    It shouldn't be demotivating because it is impossible.

    25 days to Christmas......26 pounds. That's a 91,000 calorie deficit (26x3500) in 25 days. 91,000/25=3,640 calorie deficit EVERY SINGLE DAY.

    You don't give your stats but let's say you are 6 feet tall, 20 years old, 250 pounds and very active. Your maintenance would be 3,763 calories. For a 3,640 calorie deficit you would need to live on 123 calories a day, never mind 1200. Good luck doing any kind of workouts with so little fuel. This can't be done.

    Get an idea of what your maintenance is..............

    1 pound a week subtract 500, 2 pounds a week subtract 1,000.

    I did the scoobyworkshop, and I came out with very different numbers then what MFP told me.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    TaorminaCK wrote: »
    So I put on 26lbs in 12 weeks from eating everything in sight and reverting back to drinking real coke.

    So today my trainer says " you can lose that 26lbs by Xmas as your doing 3 Zumba classes a week plus 2 aqua aerobics plus 3 x 30 min PT sessions plus 1200 cals a day. (1200 is what i do when on diet) but I think he is being ridiculous! How on earth could I lose that so fast! ??
    Well common sense here says:

    That's a loss of more than 1lbs a day starting tomorrow. So 7lbs a week. Maybe the first week yes. After, not so much. Dude is trying to sell training.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    edited December 2017
    It took you 12 weeks to put it on what makes you think you can take it off in 4?

  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,072 Member
    heytimsla wrote: »
    It's not a good idea to lose that much that fast but yeah it's possible. And it'll be miserable. But that's a little more than 2 pounds a week. Why does your trainer have you doing so much cardio ?

    Do you celebrate on some day other than Dec. 25? Check your math. It's almost a pound a day.
  • meljac600
    meljac600 Posts: 2 Member
    Wow thats definitely a lot to digest..not sure if its healthy
  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,899 Member
    It does tell you anyone can call themselves a trainer ;)
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    TeaBea wrote: »
    TaorminaCK wrote: »
    It's very demotivating and I just can't see how it could be possible

    It shouldn't be demotivating because it is impossible.

    25 days to Christmas......26 pounds. That's a 91,000 calorie deficit (26x3500) in 25 days. 91,000/25=3,640 calorie deficit EVERY SINGLE DAY.

    You don't give your stats but let's say you are 6 feet tall, 20 years old, 250 pounds and very active. Your maintenance would be 3,763 calories. For a 3,640 calorie deficit you would need to live on 123 calories a day, never mind 1200. Good luck doing any kind of workouts with so little fuel. This can't be done.

    Get an idea of what your maintenance is..............

    1 pound a week subtract 500, 2 pounds a week subtract 1,000.

    I did the scoobyworkshop, and I came out with very different numbers then what MFP told me.

    That's because with MFP, you add in exercise - which gives you additional Calories to eat. With scooby (or any other TDEE estimator/calculator), it already includes exercise, so the Calories MFP would add are added in already. Of course, this is assuming you properly estimate your activity+exercise and then actually perform your exercise the way you told scooby you would.
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Without knowing your stats here's some estimations..
    You would need to lose (over) 6.5 lbs per week.. (But for easiest maths we'll say 6.5)- that's a 3250 calorie deficit per day, which means your TDEE would need to be 4450 if you're eating 1200 calories.

    If it were possible for you to do that (it almost certainly is not), I surely would not recommend it.
    I can't imagine you would have much energy eating 1200 cals and trying to do all that exercise, and I can't imagine that would be enough exercise to achieve a 4450 TDEE, unless you are very over weight. (You'd probably need to run a marathon to burn that many calories per day, or weigh like 500 lbs..?)

    To put that in perspective I weigh 148lb and on a Tuesday can get a total burn of just over 4000 Calories but that involves :

    30 min cardio heavy PT session
    45 min Zumba Class
    45 min Insanity Class
    45 min Boxercise

    Plus walking to and fro between classes and school run (total of around 40000 steps)

    My highest ever total burn was at a fitness weekend away when I not only did 8 classes but also danced in the evening until gone midnight. That was an almost 5000 Calorie day. But I'm used to that level of activity and built up to it over the last couple of years, and I eat a lot more than 1200 Calories (3000/day). If I tried to do that on 1200 Calories I'm sure I'd crash and burn after the first couple of classes as would someone who isn't used to that much activity. Oh and even I need to take a break and have at least one day a week when all I do is walk and my burn is closer to 2500.

  • Momepro
    Momepro Posts: 1,509 Member
    It *might* be physically possible, but you'd get good and sick in the process, and as soon as you stopped killing yourswlf, the weight would come right back.
    Your trainer either does not have the proper training themself. Or they do not actually have your best health interests in mind.