IPD support thread.



  • manicmum
    manicmum Posts: 47
    Thanks Cathy. Im feeling loads better today. Fleshy lump will heal on its own so no stitch needed. Other stitches are out. xx
  • manicmum
    manicmum Posts: 47
    Ive just realised while Ive been ill I havent had any coffee. At all. Caffeine addiction broken. Ive bought a jar of decaf to celebrate :)
  • cauliwobble
    cauliwobble Posts: 26 Member
    lol *like*
  • manicmum
    manicmum Posts: 47
    I feel so much better emotionally today, Physically I feel OK. DH sent me to bed this afternoon for a few hours to recharge:heart: as I didnt slep well with tummy pain last night so now its evening and Im wide awake. Im going to potter around with the kids holiday pots in my hands and see how many little jobs I can rope them into. The house is a bombsite from top to bottom. DH says he bows to my superiority when it comes to housework because for 6 days I havent done the little extras no one notices and suddenly they are very noticable.

    We had a visitor earlier while I was in bed and DH greeted them with ''excuse the mess. The lady is laid up and Im ****e at housekeeping'':laugh:
  • cauliwobble
    cauliwobble Posts: 26 Member
    Aww he sounds a gem Janell, good for him, I am hoping when I go away in October dh will end up a frazzled mess, then he will know what its like, especially how Emma can make a mess. Shes made a palace today :/
  • manicmum
    manicmum Posts: 47
    He's not so bad. Think Ill keep him :wink: Your Mr will definatly notice and probably beg you never to leave him again!

    Ive been for a slow walk this afternoon. We got a taxi to the cinema and then walked home via town. Got some bargainous tops for JJ in Primarni at £1-2 each and the kids loved the film at kids club. (yogi bear. awful film lol)

    Ive just celebating getting to a new low weight by eating a fig roll. I didnt even enjoy it and when I saw it had 13 carbs I felt a little bit p!!sed with myself. We live and learn eh?
  • manicmum
    manicmum Posts: 47
    Kick my *kitten* please people!!! I am really struggling to get back into gear. I had 60g of green and blacks and 2 Budweisser 66's last night. Why? Because Im a twonk :(
    Ive been good so far today and feel better for it. Dh is out this evening so Im planning having a lovely bath (sponsored by the lovely Lochbroom soap, no less) and painting my nails. Ive done nearly 3 hours of gardening and have another hour to do. I want my mojo back *stamps foot.
  • cauliwobble
    cauliwobble Posts: 26 Member
    You arent a twonk, lol at least you blame yourself and recocgnise where you went wrong, your mojo will come back for sure. I would have blamed some other reason. I just ate some snack Bhajis from Tesco it said 1.5 sugar on the front, why dont they put carbs on the front ? You think something is low sugar, but doesnt mean its low carbs, anyway they werent that great so I wont be missing out not buying them again.
    Enjoy your calorie free bath lol x
  • manicmum
    manicmum Posts: 47
    have you gone over or can you still pull it back today? I think I would have been tempted by bhaji's too. I love them. Im going to make the IPD ones on monday, Ill let you know how they come out. Ive earned a soak in the bath today lol x
  • manicmum
    manicmum Posts: 47
    Well my bath was lovely and so earned after all that gardening. I feel stronger today too. Doing my meal planner. How is everyone else?
  • cauliwobble
    cauliwobble Posts: 26 Member
    Well not bad here, glad you enjoyed your bath ;). Friday of course, no food in the house lol. so ive had burgers for breakfast & lunch yuck. not meal planning this week as we are going to town on Monday, plus dh is off all week, hes a pain, never eats at the right time, and I always feel guilty when I have a snack :/ but he is sorting our water out(whoop hot water again hopefully) .
  • manicmum
    manicmum Posts: 47
    yay for hot water! I always get on better if I just deal with myself seperately. If I try to fit in with others I end up floundering. Enjoy your trip on Monday.

    We're off to a dear friends 65th birthday party tomorrow. I think Im going to smuggle in some IPD friendly snacks so I can avoid the carb fest that will be the buffet x
  • pictavi
    pictavi Posts: 10
    I really want to shift some more lbs over the summer and am considering switching to meal replacements for 2 meals a day and trying it for a month. Do you think this would be okay? Most days I really can't be a**ed to make breakfast or lunch so I thought if I did meal replacements, it would just make life much easier. I would still aim to have 400-500 cals for my main meal and keep the carbs as low as possible to stay in ketosis.

    I've got the 1 week sample pack for this diet (shakes, bars and soups) which seems pretty good: http://www.exantediet.com/ Any thoughts? I'm very frustrated with the slow rate of weight loss at the moment on IPD.
  • manicmum
    manicmum Posts: 47
    Exante is exactly the same quality as LL and Cambridge. The loss tends to eek out at around 3.5pounds per week (a stone per 4 week period) Once you're in ketosis you'd be unlikely to feel any hardship swapping over tbh but mixing the two diets wont work at all. Exante is a ketogenic diet that uses famine, ie lack of calories, to put your body into ketosis. IPD/atkins etc use lack of carbs. You eat upwards of 60carbs per day on a mrp but less than 600 calories in general. If you exceed 800calories (ok the legal guidelines is actually 810 which is why LighterLife and Cambridge diet both had to reclassify their diets 4 years ago) you will come out of ketosis and be following a none ketogenic low calorie diet which is not anyway near as effective as a VLCD or a ketogenic diet and your body will suffer the side effects of famine (plateau/hair/nail thinning/water retention, slow loss) On a ketogenic diet you can eat 4634604 calories a day if you like so long as the carb count is right.

    If you do really want to mix the two then the 'allowed food' and amounts from both the cambridge and Lighterlife diets are about as exciting as it will get for you. the 2 companies both funded massive research independantly and both came up with lists that are just about the same.
    Chose a combination of things from list a, not exceeding 3 tbsp and 1 thing from b

    A. 3tbsp of green salad leaves, celery, cucumber, courgettes or marrow, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, spinach, kale, turnip,asparagus, celeriac.

    B.250g/8oz cottage cheese (5% fat)
    325g/11oz reduced fat cottage cheese (less than 2% fat)
    175g/6oz chicken or turkey breast without fat/skin
    275g/10oz white fish
    260g canned tuna in water
    190g fresh tuna steak
    275g/10oz quorn pieces/mince

    You can add herbs and spices (and marigold was always a favourite of mine to coat the chicken in) - adding food in at under 810 tends to only effect the losses to the tune of a pound or 2 a month at most so you can still expect to lose at least 12lb per week.

    PS..Char is doing Exante at the moment x
  • manicmum
    manicmum Posts: 47
    BTW I realise my reply sounds a bit preachy and Im sorry x
  • pictavi
    pictavi Posts: 10
    Not preachy at all - you know your stuff and I totally respect that! I had no idea that the two diets worked in different ways - I just assumed that if it induced ketosis, you could switch between them. It does make sense though and I was puzzled to see the higher carb content in the Exante stuff. I've decided not to do it at this time, but will keep hold of the packs (they have long dates) in case I fancy a change later down the line. I just get so fed up of barely losing weight when I stay on plan, keep my calories under control and burn at least 1000 calories a week in exercise. The scales haven't budged an ounce this week :S
  • manicmum
    manicmum Posts: 47
    :angry: Its bloody frustrating when you put in the work and dont see the results. xx
  • Lots of familiar faces here! Hi ladies, I have started this diet and am not feeling too good physically at the moment. I'm exhausted and feel like I have mild flu, the book wasn't lying about that!

    Anyway I guess this is pretty much the Atkins diet with the odd twist, I've never tried it before. The only way I've ever lost weight is by following a low fat diet but I needed a diet where I could snack on the odd babybel on the go so decided to see if this one was any good.
  • manicmum
    manicmum Posts: 47
    Hello lovely!
    Nice to see you over here. By day 7 you want look back so keep going xx

    Ps great for snacking are nuts, olives, individual cheeses and peperamis
  • florory
    florory Posts: 6 Member
    Hello! Mini sausages and Babybel are lifesavers. I wish I liked nuts but they make me gag! Am stalling a bit here, but not gaining so I am ok with it.