Slipping Up, Eating "Badly"

--- Something I have to teach myself;

Just because you deviated from your meal plan or didn't intended to eat something you did anyway..

Does NOT mean your day is shot and you should continue to stray off your plan that day.

Just take the fact that you ate what you weren't going to, and move past it. Don't let it be an open door.

Close the door and get back to getting your weight off.

The phrase, "Well I already ate this I might as well..." needs to stop becoming existant in your mind.


  • dc_amaryllis
    dc_amaryllis Posts: 223 Member
    You are so right. I often find myself feeling defeated after a slip up and then continue to eat badly the rest of the day. Today I ate a buttery croissant. Instead of stopping after just one, I proceeded to eat half of another. There goes a quick 500+ calories. bummer
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    AMEN! Girl, I think of it this way... if I go over one day, I'll just work harder to leave extra calories tomorrow or just to be under the next day. Last week I didn't do so hot, went over a few days and ate a bit too much sodium... this morning, I still lost half a pound! Don't make it a habit but don't let it derail and discourage you, either.
  • highvoltagequeen
    Absolutely, we have to change our ways of thinking.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Hands down my biggest obstacle. Especially at night. Had a huge meal Tuesday night. Came home and had two bowls of Rice Krispies. I mean, what??? So annoyed at myself...wanted a third bowl. I don't eat those kinds of carbs much anymore and it tasted so good. :devil: