Need more friends on this app! :)

Hi! I'm Bri and I've been using MFP for a couple years now, off and on. There's maybe 10-15 pounds I've gained in the last couple years that would be nice to lose, but mainly I'm interested in just being generally healthy. Especially in cutting down on sugar and getting in a few more vitamins!

Hardly any of my friends use the app so I'd love to add a few more folks just to be a little less lonely in using it!


  • Eddie718
    Eddie718 Posts: 16 Member
    Add me in
    I am on same boat been on this app since 2015 on and off not many friends on here . A little background in 2015 lost alot of weight and since then gained half of it back .started 10 days ago to try and get down to my goal weight and i feel that first week was good second not going as good .
  • finiteinfinity3
    finiteinfinity3 Posts: 6 Member
    Add me :)