Lost a few pounds - Setting new goal

Schila64 Posts: 240 Member
I’ve been a MFP member since 2009. At the beginning I was not that serious about logging in my food intake and honestly was not eating that healthy . After many years of struggling with being chubby and not lean, I decided in March this year to get very serious about it. My eating habits changed completely as well as my workouts . Up until then, my workouts were done at home, using my treadmill and here and there several workouts DVD. After turning 53 this year, I decided it was time for a change change . Joined a gym, did some online research, cleaned my pantry and started this journey .
I started at around 150 lbs . I was and am eating 1400 calories per day set by MFP while working out 6 days a week . Practically eradicated bread from my diet and concentrated more on lean proteins, complex carbs and tons of water . Right now I fluctuate between 128 and 131 lbs. My new goal is to reach 120 lbs and lean outa bit more . I’m happy where I am now and will continue in this journey . di1jso6z24nh.jpeg


  • hannahsharratt27
    hannahsharratt27 Posts: 19 Member
    You look amazing! What kind of work do you do at the gym? I'm still a fairly new person to working out.
  • Silkysausage
    Silkysausage Posts: 502 Member
    How do you lift weights 6 days a week and only survive on 1400 cals? When you cut you'll be eating less??
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    You look fantastic.. and already ultra lean. How much leaner do you want to get? Are you competing? Are you planning on staying that low bodyfat for long periods of time? Just be mindful it can be taxing on the body and hormones. Maybe consider a few gaining cycles to put on some muscle if you aren't satisfied with your muscle to fat ratio. Good luck!
  • chispaza
    chispaza Posts: 153 Member
    You're 53?!
  • Schila64
    Schila64 Posts: 240 Member
    chispaza wrote: »
    You're 53?!

    Yes I am!!!
  • Schila64
    Schila64 Posts: 240 Member
    sardelsa wrote: »
    You look fantastic.. and already ultra lean. How much leaner do you want to get? Are you competing? Are you planning on staying that low bodyfat for long periods of time? Just be mindful it can be taxing on the body and hormones. Maybe consider a few gaining cycles to put on some muscle if you aren't satisfied with your muscle to fat ratio. Good luck!
    Thank you ! Not sure if I can lean a bit more, but will try .
  • Schila64
    Schila64 Posts: 240 Member
    You look amazing! What kind of work do you do at the gym? I'm still a fairly new person to working out.
    Thank you . I workout 2 muscles per day every other day and cardio on the days that I don’t strength train . Also do abs every day
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Schila64 wrote: »
    sardelsa wrote: »
    You look fantastic.. and already ultra lean. How much leaner do you want to get? Are you competing? Are you planning on staying that low bodyfat for long periods of time? Just be mindful it can be taxing on the body and hormones. Maybe consider a few gaining cycles to put on some muscle if you aren't satisfied with your muscle to fat ratio. Good luck!
    Thank you ! Not sure if I can lean a bit more, but will try .

    There comes a point where there is only so low you can go...(believe me I've been there.. and I lost all my glutes :'( ) the great thing about gaining muscle is the ability to still look lean, without the lower bodyfat and hormone issues as the muscle will pop out more even with some fat there.

    I think you look amazing as you are... maybe hang out at maintenance for a while and enjoy the extra fuel :)
  • Schila64
    Schila64 Posts: 240 Member
    sardelsa wrote: »
    Schila64 wrote: »
    sardelsa wrote: »
    You look fantastic.. and already ultra lean. How much leaner do you want to get? Are you competing? Are you planning on staying that low bodyfat for long periods of time? Just be mindful it can be taxing on the body and hormones. Maybe consider a few gaining cycles to put on some muscle if you aren't satisfied with your muscle to fat ratio. Good luck!
    Thank you ! Not sure if I can lean a bit more, but will try .

    There comes a point where there is only so low you can go...(believe me I've been there.. and I lost all my glutes :'( ) the great thing about gaining muscle is the ability to still look lean, without the lower bodyfat and hormone issues as the muscle will pop out more even with some fat there.

    I think you look amazing as you are... maybe hang out at maintenance for a while and enjoy the extra fuel :)
    Will take your advise
  • Lean59man
    Lean59man Posts: 714 Member
    edited December 2017
    You looked good in your before pic and you look good now.

    Don't get too crazy and go to low or you'll lose too much muscle.

    This weight loss thing can get obsessive and you can find yourself with a problem.

    Congrats on your success.
  • Schila64
    Schila64 Posts: 240 Member
    Lean59man wrote: »
    You looked good in your before pic and you look

    This weight loss thing can get obsessive and you can find yourself with a problem.

    Congrats on your success.
    Thank You. Yes , it sure can become obsessive

  • Schila64
    Schila64 Posts: 240 Member
    EmbeeKay wrote: »
    Ummm wow! Amazing! I love @sardelsa’s advice (since gaining muscle I can eat more and still look lean) but you look INCREDIBLE. Not “for being 53”... just plain incredible.

    Thank you !!!

  • ggeise14
    ggeise14 Posts: 386 Member
    Amazing & inspiring from another 53 yr old (who still has a long way to go!)
  • BeccaLoves2lift
    BeccaLoves2lift Posts: 375 Member
    I agree, you look amazing! Congratulations on all your hard work!
  • Bubble2223
    Bubble2223 Posts: 13 Member
    Your at the peak of your life. Good for you.. reached your goals. Thank you for sharing.
  • Schila64
    Schila64 Posts: 240 Member
    MrsBeccaM5 wrote: »
    I agree, you look amazing! Congratulations on all your hard work!
    Thank you !!!
  • neilgib28
    neilgib28 Posts: 36 Member
    WOW, looking fantastic, what an incredible job..... B)
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,069 Member
    Uh-mazing!!! I agree with Sardelsa though. I don't see how you could get much leaner. Fantastic job!
  • ccruz985
    ccruz985 Posts: 646 Member
    Where is the 8lbs you want to lose to get to 120lbs? I don't see them.