Question about Poop... yes, poop. Everybody poops!

So...I have a question....... I know enough to know that it's regular to go at least once a day and for normal poop to be somewhat soft and in the shape of a snake almost. But what if it's not? And I mean consistently...not.
I eat CLEAN, I eat HEALTHY... I usually get more than my recommended amount of fiber daily, I drink 60-70oz of water a day (every day)... yet I consistently have stupid small pebble poops. I googled this and according to the Bristol Stool Scale - it's Type 1 poop which indicates constipation...yup sounds about right. It occurs every day though... it's just extremely annoying and I won't go into more detail.
What can I do that I'm not ALREADY doing to get more consistent normal poop?


  • mislove68
    mislove68 Posts: 240
    Eat more flax seed.
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    You could possibly try a colon cleans, there are a lot of products out there for that. I did one back in May using Herbal Life and I was really happy with it. It actually helped me with some minor lower back pain that I was having (a sign of consitpation).
  • ennaejay
    ennaejay Posts: 575
    Raw veggies, fresh fruits, beans, lentils, barley, bulgur, flax meal.

    Think non-soluble
  • TracyLou0404
    TracyLou0404 Posts: 8 Member
    I've actually been having this problem too and it's frustrating b/c I make sure I eat PLENTY of fiber, as well as water. I took a stool softener last week to help things out and it did, but now I'm back to the pebbles. What's up with that? Having a good bowel movement always makes me feel like I've accomplished something in this weight loss journey!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Are you taking an iron supplement? That can sometimes happen if you get too much iron.
  • franzy
    franzy Posts: 259
    I had the same problem as you try eating one piece of fresh fruit in the morning on an empty stomach (grapes, peach, nacterine) that help. Good luck
  • rankailie
    rankailie Posts: 144
    You could possibly try a colon cleans, there are a lot of products out there for that. I did one back in May using Herbal Life and I was really happy with it. It actually helped me with some minor lower back pain that I was having (a sign of consitpation).

    This will probably make it worse. Especially if you have any sort of GI issue, never ever ever colon cleanse in any manner without a doctor (a real one not a hygienist) ordering it for you.

    Looking at your diary for a few days I'd say you probably need more whole fruits and veggies. Leafy greens, carrots, peaches, apples, etc, whole fruits and veggies are a great way to regulate. You can also try a healthy fiber source like flax (eaten) or psyllium husk (drink) as a compliment to more whole fruits and veggies.
  • BeverageTreats
    BeverageTreats Posts: 149 Member
    In my experience, if fiber and water intakes were high and things of this nature were still going on, my fat intake was way low. If I don't get my avocado a day, I always get to the end and the fat number is way low. I do a shooter of flax oil to get it in.
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    I took a brief look at your diary and it looks like you consume quite a bit of dairy. For some people, too much dairy can cause constipation. Possibly try cutting dairy back to one meal a day and add in lots of fibrous veggies? It's good to get fiber not just from grains but from veggies as well. Don't know if that will help, but it might.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I also put in a vote for flaxmeal, not whole seeds. Also, have you tried a probiotic? You can get it in yogurt (Activia, etc.) or as a pill (Align, etc.) I don't have your issue, but I know a few people who swear by them for staying absolutely regular.
  • JenniCH
    JenniCH Posts: 74
    Thanks for all the suggestions - I'll have to try some out and keep hoping...

    The only dairy I have is Greek Yogurt (Fage) & 1-3 eggs a day mostly for the protein and those were in my diet before the constipation started. Otherwise I stay away from other dairy (no cheese, no milk etc.)

    Nope don't take an iron supplement...

    I eat at least 3-4 servings of fresh fruit a day.... I agree that I need to up my veggies though - that's probably where I've been lacking the most recently.

    I am super against colon cleanses -- heard too many bad stories and I like to try and correct things in natural ways.

    I think I'll up my veggies, try some flaxseed/flaxmeal, and psyllium husk - crossing my fingers that things start moving again :)

    Thanks everyone!
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    Do you exercise?
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    You could possibly try a colon cleans, there are a lot of products out there for that. I did one back in May using Herbal Life and I was really happy with it. It actually helped me with some minor lower back pain that I was having (a sign of consitpation).

    This will probably make it worse. Especially if you have any sort of GI issue, never ever ever colon cleanse in any manner without a doctor (a real one not a hygienist) ordering it for you.

    Looking at your diary for a few days I'd say you probably need more whole fruits and veggies. Leafy greens, carrots, peaches, apples, etc, whole fruits and veggies are a great way to regulate. You can also try a healthy fiber source like flax (eaten) or psyllium husk (drink) as a compliment to more whole fruits and veggies.

    Just to clarify, the colon cleans I was referencing was a matter of adding natural products to your diet in a supplement form (including boosting fiber, dandelion, aloe, etc). It was no more than taking supplements, that help digestion, not a medical proceedure at all.

    OK just realized I used the wrong terminology - do an "herbal cleans" that promotes digestive health, not a colon cleans.
  • JenniCH
    JenniCH Posts: 74
    Yup - I exercise, at LEAST 6x a week -- I do a good mix of cardio, weight-lifting & running (I just don't log my exercise because I don't trust MFP's calorie burn for exercises).
  • I used to be constipated and had a similar story. Turns out I was allergic to cow milk products.
  • ivy2009
    ivy2009 Posts: 75
    yogurt every day is excellent for digestive health. I have not tried Activia but it is worth trying.:bigsmile:
  • Johnsweaver
    Johnsweaver Posts: 46 Member
    If I were in your shoes (and I've been there) I'd add copious amounts of green veggies. Things like green beans, spinach and broccoli which have some insoluble fiber that adds bulk to the stool. Plus they're so low calorie that they easily fit in to any diet. That is why I use them over grains and/or beans for insoluble fiber.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Yup - I exercise, at LEAST 6x a week -- I do a good mix of cardio, weight-lifting & running (I just don't log my exercise because I don't trust MFP's calorie burn for exercises).
    I use the calories burned from my HRM and enter those amounts into MFP. You can edit the calorie totals when entering so you can still easily track your exercise each day and week.
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Cannot tell your fiber setting, MFP's default is way too low. At least 20g, aim around 25g or more a day.

    Noticed you don't eat much vegi... Beans are good with fiber too.
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    Eat more flax seed.

    You know, I recently bought ground flax seed ... any idea what the ideal amount is in a day?