HRM - is it worth it

vettle Posts: 621 Member
I am looking at heart rate monitors and I'm just wondering, is there really any point to them for my needs? I know they are useful in seeing that you are in the fat burning zone but other than that, is it more of just a convienence item for calorie tracking? I don't want to spend 130 dollars on one only to be like... what's the big deal?

At first I was thinking, yeah it'd be nice to know what I was actually burning calorie-wise instead of guessing on certain cardio and strength training activities and that it would be useful to know what I burn during normal activities so I know how much to eat when I am maintaining my weight, but this still seems excessive to me.

Thoughts? I know there are some of you that use them all the time!


  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    I love having the data. But they are by no means necessary for success. If you want a more accurate calorie count for your exercise then get one. If you don't really care that much and are doing fine without it, then don't.
  • Ashleysh22
    Ashleysh22 Posts: 209
    One of my bestest friends got one recently and I must admit I am jealous of it. It seems really useful to know how much you are burning on which exercises. Especially in conjunction with myfitnesspal. I think things like the bodybugg - where you have to pay a monthly fee - seem a bit redundant. In fact I don't think there is any reason to get one for $130. Beachbody sells them for 60 dollars. I am planning to order myself one in the next few weeks. Just waiting for some payments to go through.
  • funayman
    funayman Posts: 21 Member
    I love having the data. But they are by no means necessary for success. If you want a more accurate calorie count for your exercise then get one. If you don't really care that much and are doing fine without it, then don't.

    ^ THIS ^

    Also, I just started up P90X and I always use my HRM.
    Its. great to be accurate with some of the workouts because I would have no idea what to enter in for those workouts
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    I love having the data. But they are by no means necessary for success. If you want a more accurate calorie count for your exercise then get one. If you don't really care that much and are doing fine without it, then don't.

  • lindalee0315
    lindalee0315 Posts: 527 Member
    I love my HRM. It motivates me. Also, the numbers on the machines and on MFP are more generous (sometimes far more) than what my HRM records. As you get fitter, your body has to work harder to burn the same calories. The model I have created a program for me, tells me if I've met my goals, does a fit test and calculates the caloric burn based on the monthly fit test result, current weight, age, height and gender. I get out-of-sorts if I forget it when I go to the gym. I got mine off of ebay years ago and didn't spend much on it at all. I recently had to replace the transmitter, but I've had the monitor for 8 years.
  • yeabby
    yeabby Posts: 643 Member
    You can get a decent one, Polar 4series, for about $50 on Amazon. (I've tried Timex and other discount brands and they haven't lasted.) If the accuracy of data is worth that much to you get one. If you aren't stress about it don't.
  • syreetahasting
    I think it is worth it. I have one (Polar FT7) & it comes in handy when I'm doing a spin class, so I know if I'm in the 70% or 80%
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    I love having the data. But they are by no means necessary for success. If you want a more accurate calorie count for your exercise then get one. If you don't really care that much and are doing fine without it, then don't.

    This journey can certainly be done without. . I did it after my daughter when I was boxing. . armed with just a calorie book and a food diary. . and very intense workouts. . . I at that time was eating under 1500 a day and working out 6-7 days a week. . .

    In taking this journey one last time. .. I am using an HRM as it really gives me an accurate assessment of what some of the exercises that I am doing are burning being that they can all be done at different intensity levels. . .

    I would say it is a great tool. The other thing that I find helpful. . .that I didn't have before is my food scale. . .

    Good luck in the remainder or your weightloss journey!
  • syreetahasting
    Just make sure you get one that is coded, so you're not picking up everyone else's heart rate
  • kikislove2
    kikislove2 Posts: 71 Member
    I am sooo glad you asked that question, and very appreciative of the responses. Because i was going to ask the same thing. So I have my answer..thanks guys..also, I'm glad to see that I'm not the only person that feels like mfp is very generous with their numbers. I will save up and get one, but I think that maybe a cheaper one would be in order so you won't feel like you threw your money away if it doesn't work out.
  • otr12
    otr12 Posts: 632 Member
    If you do get one get a good one, like a Polar. If you go for a cheap one you'll just end up buying a good one later.
  • amccrazgrl
    amccrazgrl Posts: 315 Member
    I got my HRM back in January. I was going to Curves back then and the computer said I was burning 400 calories in 30 minutes. Then I got my HRM and found out it was more like 200 calories. That was part of my reason I barely lost weight from Oct-Jan when I didn't have one. I dropped 6lbs right away 1st month using it and 1st month at a new gym.

    I bought Polar FT40 off EBay for less. I got my gf the same one just in white, I have black.
  • amccrazgrl
    amccrazgrl Posts: 315 Member
    Just make sure you get one that is coded, so you're not picking up everyone else's heart rate

    I got 2 Polar FT40 HRMs that were coded. Then we had a problem where one wasn't working correctly. Polar replaced both chest straps and receivers for free.
    Now to keep from interfering we both start them in opposite sides of the locker room. So far that has worked.
    For the last week and half mine has been picking up strange numbers or no numbers. I put it back on Heart Lock and it seemed to work b/c I can put my watch up to chest strap and it will pick MINE up.
  • vettle
    vettle Posts: 621 Member
    wonderful! Thanks for all your responses!
  • brocantrs
    brocantrs Posts: 273 Member
    Not necessary but I sure love mine!
  • woja9640
    woja9640 Posts: 450 Member
    I have one I bought at WalMart for $48. I love it. I like having a more accurate account of my exercising calorie burn. I use it during my daily walk at work and while at the gym and doing pilates.