Motivation for 5'7 Girls!

Hello! I am not new to MFP, however, I have started a new journey here with a new account and I am looking for friends that are 5'7 like me!

I am 155 lbs and ultimately have a goal of 135-130 pounds. What are your weight loss goals? Also feel free to share any advice! Thank you :)


  • KateHubb
    KateHubb Posts: 366 Member
    Hello! I am not new to MFP, however, I have started a new journey here with a new account and I am looking for friends that are 5'7 like me!

    I am 155 lbs and ultimately have a goal of 135-130 pounds. What are your weight loss goals? Also feel free to share any advice! Thank you :)

    5'7" here! Goal is 130-140... I will know when I get to where I want to be :) Feel free to add me!
  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    i thought I was 5'7" til yesterday I got measured at the doc lol i guess i'm 5'8.5", but my goal was to be around 125. My goal now is pretty much the same =] lol maybe 127. idk yet for sure.
  • My goal weight is 185. For someone who has been between 260-280 the last few years that would be an accomplishment for me.
  • MrsPike07
    MrsPike07 Posts: 160
    I'm also 5'7" and I started out at 195, down to 185 now. My goal is 145-150 depending on how I feel I guess. Best of luck on your weight loss journey!
  • I am 5'7 as well!!! Looking to lose about 50lbs! Feel free to send a friend request my way, and I will accept!
  • Im 5'7'' and my goal is arond 117 :)
  • I'm 5'6'' that close enough?? Haha

    We have pretty similar feel free to add me!
  • twistyBee
    twistyBee Posts: 56 Member
    I'm 5'7 and currently at 145lbs. I wouldnt mind losing a few lbs but am happy with where I am at right now. Toning up some of my jiggly parts is what I am currently striving for! Feel free to add me!
  • libs41223
    libs41223 Posts: 87 Member
    I'm 5'7 too and my goal is around 150. I'm really shooting for a number that gets me into the "healthy" range on the BMI scale. We'll see how I feel when I get close, I've been in the mid 200's for a long time.
  • robyn525
    robyn525 Posts: 24 Member
    I am not quite 5'7, but 5'6.25. My goal is 150 pounds. According to BMI my max healthy weight is 154.9 pounds. I am currently 175 pounds. My 3rd or 4th time trying to loose weight. It keeps getting worse everytime I restart as I need to loose more than the previous time.
  • jwaitman
    jwaitman Posts: 367 Member
    I am 5"7 ish, I think I am shrinking as I age and my back falls apart! At my lowest weight a few years ago I was 126 and a comfortable size 4. Have gained a few pounds back and currently about 140. My goal is to get back to 130 and try to stay there.

    Good luck to you!
  • Midori_i
    Midori_i Posts: 91 Member
    I'm 5"7 and want to get to 121 lb, because that's the lowest I've been at before, and I loved it. Currently I'm at 124, but those very last pounds are excrutiatingly hard to lose... And once I'm there, I'm determined to stay there.
  • jaeone
    jaeone Posts: 649 Member
    Hi 5'7 1lb from my goal of 129! Add me so we can support each other!! I will need support for maintenance also!
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    5"7' - starting weight 150 - current almost 140 (YAAAAAY ME!). I 'think' I would like to get to around 130ish? It just depends on how my body looks as I lose some more excess fat. I won't know till I get there! :)
  • TubbsMcGee
    TubbsMcGee Posts: 1,058 Member

    I'm also 5'7''!
    I always thought it was a rare height around here for girls...

    My goal is 114 lbs. I started out at 132lb and looked like a whale (it's my bone structure, any extra weight looks ridiculous on me).

    I've been maintaining since February, hovering between 110 lbs. and 117 lbs.

    Feel free to add me :)
  • I am 5'7 and 148 lbs. My goal is 125-130. That was my range before two babies (worth every pound!!). I need a mini tummy tuck to remove excess skin around my belly button so my deal to myself is "get to 130 and you can schedule a consult". Unfortunately when the weight comes off my belly looks horrible right at my belly button:( Let's get motivated!
  • pjm1806
    pjm1806 Posts: 41
    Hi. 5'7 and currently 133. My goal is 124. Good luck an let's keep in touch.
  • kysue1029
    kysue1029 Posts: 97 Member
    I'm 5'7" and I am currently at 155. I would like to get to 135-140ish if I could get over this platau! Feel free to add me as a friend! :)
  • Yay, thank you for the replies so far everybody! You all seem like great motivators that will help me greatly on my weight loss journey!
  • joybell32
    joybell32 Posts: 252 Member
    I'm 5'7 too and my goal is around 150. I'm really shooting for a number that gets me into the "healthy" range on the BMI scale. We'll see how I feel when I get close, I've been in the mid 200's for a long time.

    Me too!