So Discouraged!

I have been using Myfitnesspal for 1 month now. faitfully recording every singel thing I eat right down to a sticksof gum. I have stayed under or at my calorie allowance of 1200 per day. I have been getting 30 to 45mn of exercise 4 times a week. A combo of cordio and calisthenics. I have not allowed myself any cheat days yet and have cut out all alcohol except for 1 glass of red wine with dinner. Despite all of my disipline and effort, I have not lost one pound and my clothes are tighter if anything. I have tried many diets over the past 3 years including the Adkins, with little or no success. I am so very discouraged now that it's hard to not give up. I'm not exctremely over weight. I just want to loose 20 pounds. I am starting to wonder if I have a health issue that is preventing me from loosing. Is there anyone out there that has had health issues that have caused the inability to loose weight?


  • cmaster13
    I have been using Myfitnesspal for 1 month now. faitfully recording every singel thing I eat right down to a sticksof gum. I have stayed under or at my calorie allowance of 1200 per day. I have been getting 30 to 45mn of exercise 4 times a week. A combo of cordio and calisthenics. I have not allowed myself any cheat days yet and have cut out all alcohol except for 1 glass of red wine with dinner. Despite all of my disipline and effort, I have not lost one pound and my clothes are tighter if anything. I have tried many diets over the past 3 years including the Adkins, with little or no success. I am so very discouraged now that it's hard to not give up. I'm not exctremely over weight. I just want to loose 20 pounds. I am starting to wonder if I have a health issue that is preventing me from loosing. Is there anyone out there that has had health issues that have caused the inability to loose weight?
  • breezysoul
    breezysoul Posts: 159 Member
    First of all, don't go below your 1200 calories a day. Second, be sure to drink lots of water. Third, eat your excersise calories. Trust me on this one. I was the person who thought you shouldn't eat those extra calories. So I didn't for the first 3 weeks and saw no results. I finally gave in and ate them and the scale started to move. Hang in there!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Try eating AT LEAST1200 - if you are under that could be the problem. Check out threads on here about starvation.

    Slow and steady is the way to win this battle!

    Good Luck!
  • nwfamilygal
    fsI agree with the other two.:flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I have been using Myfitnesspal for 1 month now. faitfully recording every singel thing I eat right down to a sticksof gum. I have stayed under or at my calorie allowance of 1200 per day. I have been getting 30 to 45mn of exercise 4 times a week. A combo of cordio and calisthenics. I have not allowed myself any cheat days yet and have cut out all alcohol except for 1 glass of red wine with dinner. Despite all of my disipline and effort, I have not lost one pound and my clothes are tighter if anything. I have tried many diets over the past 3 years including the Adkins, with little or no success. I am so very discouraged now that it's hard to not give up. I'm not exctremely over weight. I just want to loose 20 pounds. I am starting to wonder if I have a health issue that is preventing me from loosing. Is there anyone out there that has had health issues that have caused the inability to loose weight?

    Just a suggestion I think you should up your calories to 1500, watch your sodium and carb intake...stick to lean meats...and drink 8 glasses of water a day..consider fresh or steamed veggies a free food as long as you dont put anything on them. .I would also bump up your excercise to 5-6 days per week for 60minutes mainly cardio. In addition try very hard not to eat after 7pm. ....I dont think anything is wrong with you its all just a science and figuring out what our bodies need and what we need to do to shed excess pounds..It takes time....take your time and experiment with different things and always challenge yourself..Good Luck You Can Do This!!
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member

    I came here and wanted to loose 25-27 pounds
    FOR ME..even w/ out exc I thought 1200 wouldn't fly
    Based on some of my own calculations I started with a target of 1490
    I lost the weight
    Maybe you aren't eating enough
    I know it's hard to consider that may be the problem...but what about upping your cals to 1400 for 2 weeks to see what happens

    I'm sorry...try not to be discouraged
    BTW, have u had b/w recently (thyroid check) to rule out any problems

  • cmaster13
    Thanks for taking the time to reply. I will give the calorie increase a try to see if I get any results. And no I haven't had my thyroid checked, but that is exactly what I was suspiciouse of.

    Thanks again! I feel like I have an idea to try now.

  • cmaster13
    Thank you all for taking the time to reply! you all have great ideas and I will give them a try. Your responses have given me the boost I needed to NOT give up.

    Thanks again!
  • breezysoul
    breezysoul Posts: 159 Member
    Let us know how it works for you!
  • Frost
    Frost Posts: 312 Member
    I was also going to suggest thyroid! Plus sodium intake is a big cause of water weight gain. Are you drinking a lot of diet soda or eating salty foods?
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    keep it up and don't quit, I agree with everything everyone said on here.
  • Coach2010
    Hey CM13! Hang in there. I encourage your efforts, requesting you please keep open to learning new things here, as there are a lot of really good insights shared, and even college bred and professional counsel that's provided.

    I know for me, I've added more rigor in eating lightly 1-2 hours before working out, then eating the calories that I've burned (Thanks MFP!!!), I drink loads more water, and I'm on the 200 crunches team. Unfortunately, I had an operation on my knee...but, my weight has held it's ground in anticipation of starting my aerobics workouts next week.

    Keep the dialog going so the MFP crew can troubleshoot practices, share some search topics in the community tab, or just to have you vent about your frustrations.