
My name is Marcia. I have been struggling for years with food addiction. Most people don't realize the struggle. I can't go a day without food unlike alcohol or gambling though I have never struggled with alcohol or gambling addiction. I can control my bets and alcohol consumption for these aren't a priority. If i eat one brownie I need to eat 2 more. Yesterday I refused sweets and my coworkers kept after me to eat it. But I resisted. I chose to put something good in my body.


  • ImperialFudge
    ImperialFudge Posts: 186 Member
    Good for you resisting the sweets! You can add or message me if you want and I'll try to give you the support you need :blush:
  • schellies
    schellies Posts: 88 Member
    Im in the same boat if you eant to chat :)
  • kfly44244
    kfly44244 Posts: 17 Member
    Awesome!! Coworkers often think they're having fun or just trying to help, but the nice gesture of bring donuts, etc. to the office is just not helpful. It's one of my hardest barriers. I'm looking for more friends on this app so please feel free to friend me
  • dreamsofjoy
    dreamsofjoy Posts: 6 Member
    I struggle with the same thing. Please add me if you want. We can support each other.
  • VBigman
    VBigman Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Marcia i have been struggling with food myself for years too and i know what it is like trying not to have 1 cookie because it turns into 2,3,4 etc but i'm sure with the help and support of your friends you can get there