Looking for additional support

Hello my name is Jeff. I am currently a truck driver who has become conscious about my health. I have my wife and a couple of my friends that are on my weight loss journey with me. I have a goal set for 200 pounds. I am currently @ 239. I have lost around 10 pounds since I started diet and exercise this time around. A very strong support base is what I need to help push me over the edge this time. I would appreciate anyone who would reach out to me.


  • haleyj089
    haleyj089 Posts: 31 Member
    This is awesome! Way to go with making the decision to become a healthier version of yourself!
  • Angel1girl
    Angel1girl Posts: 3 Member
    Tracking is my worst thing with weight loss but new start new week -sing it (starting all over again......)
  • RangeBoss
    RangeBoss Posts: 54 Member
    Welcome. Feel free to add me. We can help bring each other along.