30DS and other exercise

Does anyone do 30DS and other exercise e.g. do 30DS in the morning and going for a run or something? I am wondering whether doing exercise is too excessive?! Or am i being silly?



  • CarrieGinger
    I have done just the 30DS and hardly dieted and that alone allowed me to loose 8 lbs the first month...of course I did it 5 days a week at first - now I am running a few days a week and watch what I eat and find that is plenty...depends on how much you want to eat really - if you exercise too much - you will NOT loose if you do not eat what you need too...trust me - you HAVE to eat what this site tells you too- only then will you benefit from hard work outs...
  • MsKeelah919
    MsKeelah919 Posts: 332 Member
    I dont think 30DS is so intense that you cant do anything else. Personally, its helped me with balance, endurance and strength but I think I should've added more cardio and/or weights to it. :)
  • mewk
    mewk Posts: 13
    I sure hope it isn't too excessive to do other exercises with the 30DS. I'm about halfway through and I always add in something else - whether it be brisk walking/jogging, Zumba, Jackie Warner's power circuits, throwing in level 1 on top of level 2, low-impact aerobics, or whatever I feel like doing that day.

    I don't have a HRM, so I log the 30DS on MFP as circuit training... which gives me something pitiful like 157 calories burned, and that's less than I'd like to burn a day via exercise so I've had to add in other stuff. It sure does feel like the 30DS should be burning more than that though!
  • frugalmomsrock
    I hit the gym six days a week and burn quite a lot. Ordinarily, I burn 1,200+ calories a day going to the gym 2x. I just started the 30DS the other night (I do it late at night after everyone is in bed) because my gut just doesn't want to go anywhere, and I'm hoping this helps. Plus, I could use the all over toning.

    So, with my shred added, I've been burning about 1,400+ calories a day. When my body says to take a break, I do. If I am feeling extra hungry, I eat. If I'm feeling extra tired, I cut back or skip a gym workout.

    I was super sore the first couple days of 30DS, but I still pushed through and I'm feeling a lot better now.
  • chellebelle620
    I've only been doing the 30DS for three days, and the past couple I have tacked on some additional exercise after. This has more to do with the fact that I don't feel like I get enough out of the 30DS because I'm still building up my endurance - especially for the pushups and jumping jacks :-). I do 1-2 miles of Leslie Sansone after just to give myself a little extra. I'm no expert, but I would think additional exercise wouldn't hurt since the 30DS is only about 25-30 minutes.
  • liberaltendencies
    liberaltendencies Posts: 150 Member
    I've noticed that a brisk walk after 30DS helps me stretch out better and not be sore the next day.
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    If you body is hurting then you will need to stop but if you can keep at it and are enjoying it then go for it.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I don't find the 30DS does a lot, but I can't imagine getting up early enough in the morning to do it before anything else. I often go for a 6km run then do half an hour on the rowing machine, though.
  • saraco
    saraco Posts: 7
    Thanks for all your help guys!! I think i will be adding some other exercise to it then :)