Fit for the new year 2012! Secret facebook group!

I just started a secret facebook group, So we can keep updating and having all our updates in One place. Anyone who has similar thoughts is free to join. I think we're going to close the group at 50, so we can communicate effectively to everyone.

Please add me, and ill add you to the group and we can start our journey hereafter! :)

We can use the facebook page to discuss everything we need to and mondays can be the weigh in day.

I have recently started exercising and dieting. I weigh 196.2 lbs and plan to lose 63 lbs. The aim is to reach that by 31st december 2011 so i can start my new year looking as fab as I feel~!

UPDATE: Everyday or as convenient to us, we could post in some fitness suggestions for everyone to see!

To make it as simple as possible, Everyone posts their updates every monday, and by the end of that day, I shall post to announce who is the most successful of all of us for the week.

Basic template to fill out every week would be :

starting weight:
current weight:
weight loss since last week:
things I did wrong:
Things I did right that everyone else could try:
What treats i treated my body with this week for being so awesome this week! :

what does everyone think? any suggestions?

UPDATE#2 We shall also have like a tiny mini challenge sometimes! :) Please give ideas of a mini challenge, that has to do with either an excercising target for this week, or a food and diet related challenge! I shall post Minichallenge for week 1 as soon as we find a good suggestion!


  • Bardot86
    Bardot86 Posts: 15
    Add me., Ashley Grand :) I think that would be an awesome idea. x
  • Bardot86
    Bardot86 Posts: 15
    Although, to be honest i probably wont want to share my current and starting weight... I'll hopefully feel confident enough to do that when i am at target x
  • hellsyeah
    no problem! Just share how much you've lost during the week! :D