Starting over and need friends

I am early forties, have been here before with very little success. I need support and will provide support.

Anybody feel free to add me.




  • RangeBoss
    RangeBoss Posts: 54 Member
    Hey brother. Go ahead and add me. I’m 57 and working hard at staying fit. I’d appreciate the mutual encouragement.
  • sjack44
    sjack44 Posts: 36 Member
    Go ahead and add me, I am 50 and always seem to be starting over :/ Hopefully I'll get it right this time, would appreciate the support as well!
  • SolotoCEO
    SolotoCEO Posts: 293 Member
    I've had great success with MFP. You can too. Just set your calories to what MFP recommends, move more (I don't eat back any calories burned), and let the weight come off. Biggest take away - weigh and measure everything so you get your calories as close as possible to correct! Good luck!
  • PeteRead69
    PeteRead69 Posts: 11 Member
    48 here. Uk based. Feel free to add
  • CBrunoFitness
    CBrunoFitness Posts: 3 Member
    Feel FREE to add me.
  • Carolannorino
    Carolannorino Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 51 and have struggled with body image problems for long enough. Looking forward to saying goodbye to 15 pounds and keep them off.
  • clrgsy45
    clrgsy45 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks all for your responses and advice. I have sent and accepted the friend requests. Here is to healthier days ahead!
  • tdolphins27
    tdolphins27 Posts: 9 Member
    44 here. Looking for more friends to stay motivated. Feel free to add me
  • kayla_who
    kayla_who Posts: 540 Member
    Sent you an add. Everyone feel free to add me. I'm starting over too.
  • georgiamarsh17
    georgiamarsh17 Posts: 77 Member
    Starting over as well! Feel free to add me anyone :)
  • MystikPixie
    MystikPixie Posts: 342 Member
    Sent a request. Always looking for new MFP friends. That goes for anyone, feel free to add.

  • JMac8849
    JMac8849 Posts: 25 Member
    Hey, I am an active user returning after an injury break. I am a personal trainer and powerlifter who is always looking for people to help motivate be motivated by. Add me every one!
  • Waterbug08
    Waterbug08 Posts: 9 Member
    Starting over here, especially on the fitness front. Feel free to add, always looking for motivation and accountability. =)