Help! Working out a ton & gaining weight!

I am so confused....... and depressed! I have been working out more than I ever have in my life for the past year and a half. Last Feb. I started running to burn calories and ended up losing 15lbs pretty quickly. Since 02/10, I have run EVERY SINGLE DAY- 535 days straight! My daily amount varies between 4-6 miles on average. (for awhile my totals were higher than that when I was training for a 1/2 marathon in late Spring.) On top of that, I take my dog for a walk almost every day, do spin class 1-2 x's a week, and do some ellipical during the week as well.

So, how is it that I am gaining that weight back? I count calories and watch what I eat every single day so I know I am not eating more than I should be. I do drink red wine a few nights a week but typically only 1-1.5 glasses. I drink tons of water every day too so that's not it. I have gained back 10lbs already from where I was last summer and just can't understand why.

It's not muscle that I am gaining because my body is still the same shape, just heavier!

I am open to any and all advice here. Please let me know what you think I should be doing differently to lose this weight again. Is it that my body is just so used to the workouts I am doing that I need to find time to add more? (That could be hard because I am already working out sometimes as much as 2 hours a day!)


Thanks fo your advice and suggestions.


  • thedreamhazer
    thedreamhazer Posts: 1,156 Member
    If everything is as you say it is (lots of exercise + good on daily calories) then it sounds like it's time to see a doctor. Have some blood work done, have your thyroid checked. It doesn't make sense for this to be happening, since you routine sounds somewhat varied in terms fo cardio (although strength training is always a plus).

    Do a check-in with yourself. Are you more tired lately? Trouble sleeping? New sleeping pattern? Weird cravings? Take an inventory of things that seem off or different to take into the doctor with you.
  • blisterpeanuts
    blisterpeanuts Posts: 67 Member
    Hi Kimandal99,

    Two questions--do you eat your exercise calories, and has your BMI changed even if your weight is not going down?

    It sounds like you're living an excellent lifestyle, and they say red wine is good for you. How are you feeling from day to day? Healthy? Sleeping long enough?

    Maybe you could try shocking your body once in a while by not exercising for a couple of days, or go on a water diet for 24 hours, just to break out of the pattern.

    Others here may have better advice for you. Best of luck!
  • kimandal99
    If everything is as you say it is (lots of exercise + good on daily calories) then it sounds like it's time to see a doctor. Have some blood work done, have your thyroid checked. It doesn't make sense for this to be happening, since you routine sounds somewhat varied in terms fo cardio (although strength training is always a plus).

    Do a check-in with yourself. Are you more tired lately? Trouble sleeping? New sleeping pattern? Weird cravings? Take an inventory of things that seem off or different to take into the doctor with you.

    Thanks for the advice. I made a dr. appointment for later this month. Hopefully nothing is wrong but then again, if it is, at least I will know what to do next. I don't want to keep working out this hard for no results.
  • kimandal99
    Hi Kimandal99,

    Two questions--do you eat your exercise calories, and has your BMI changed even if your weight is not going down?

    It sounds like you're living an excellent lifestyle, and they say red wine is good for you. How are you feeling from day to day? Healthy? Sleeping long enough?

    Maybe you could try shocking your body once in a while by not exercising for a couple of days, or go on a water diet for 24 hours, just to break out of the pattern.

    Others here may have better advice for you. Best of luck!

    I do eat most of my exercise calories but it depends on the day. Mondays tend to be my highest workout day 2.5 hours of exercise but since I don't have a monitor to tell me the exact # of calories burned, I try to just guess so I ususally don't eat them all.

    I have not measured my BMI so I don't know if that has changed or not. I would doubt it because I still feel jiggly- even with the exercise!

    Shocking my body is a great idea! Just need to see if I have the guts to take a day off of exercise. I haven't done that in over 500 days and I feel like the minute I do take a break, I will fall apart with all my willpower.