Do you think running 5x a week will help me get in shape? Pi

Hi gals and guys. I'm new here. I am looking to get fitter, and leaner for my wedding in a few months. Right now I am running 6mph for 30 minutes, and walking at 3.5mph, 8 % incline, for 15. I do this 5 times a week. Do you think this will help tone my stomache area better? i am also following the calorie recomendations as well.

here is a picture of me this morning. I would love any suggestions. Also, please don't mind the stretch marks!

I don't know how to upload a pic, so just check out my profile. Thanks.


  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    Any kind of cardio will get you into shape....though keep in mind, you cannot spot reduce. Fat will come off where it wants, when it wants. My only question is, do you enjoy running? If so, that's great keep it up. But I just kind of get the feeling from your question that maybe you think running is the only thing that will shed pounds, and that's not true at all. So whatever it is you enjoy doing, do it, stick to your allotted calories and good luck!
  • JThomas61
    JThomas61 Posts: 892
    I used the same method and I have dropped 71 to date, I normally run 5.0 X 60 minutes or walk @3.5 level 10 incline X 60 minutes or Eliptical Calorie burn level 10 X 60 minutes or ride the bike at 22-23 MPH X 60 minutes. I have lost over 8 inches off my waist as well since January 2011.
  • christina000
    Oh I love running! I just do it, because I do enjoy it, and also because I have come to believe it is a better form of cardio all around. But I could be wrong.

    So maybe I should incorporate more weight lifting into my routine? The thing is, when I go to the gym, I only have a 45- 50 min time slot because I have my son in daycare there.
  • christina000
    I used the same method and I have dropped 71 to date, I normally run 5.0 X 60 minutes or walk @3.5 level 10 incline X 60 minutes or Eliptical Calorie burn level 10 X 60 minutes or ride the bike at 22-23 MPH X 60 minutes. I have lost over 8 inches off my waist as well since January 2011.

    Ok great! Thanks, I'll definitely keep doing it then!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I personally wouldn't run 5 days in a row, but I typically run 3-4 times a week. Hit the weights or a lower impact form of cardio on your non-running days.

    But honestly, your body looks pretty darn spectacular already, so while you're going to see changes, they're going to be subtle. Make sure you're getting lots of protein so you don't lose your lean muscle mass.
  • mike_littlerock
    mike_littlerock Posts: 296 Member
    Running can improve your overall cardio, but as far as overall toning I think it is less than ideal. I feel that total body conditioning is a better choice. HIT(High Intensity Training) works your whole body and works the muscles through a greater range of motion than used in running.

    There has been an explosion of new gyms that offer HIT training via structured circuit training (Crossfit is an example). It has been shown that HIT style circuit training has a great cardio benefit as well as burning MORE calories than running or other forms of cardio training. Since you are conditioning all of the major muscle groups, you can increase your metabolic rate, and there is less chance that you will be a "skinny fat person".

    This is yet another area where people are very passionate about their particular workout style, so you should get strong opinions on all sides. I personally feel that the best workout is the one that you like doing, as you are far more likely to keep doing it.
  • christina000
    I personally wouldn't run 5 days in a row, but I typically run 3-4 times a week. Hit the weights or a lower impact form of cardio on your non-running days.

    But honestly, your body looks pretty darn spectacular already, so while you're going to see changes, they're going to be subtle. Make sure you're getting lots of protein so you don't lose your lean muscle mass.

    Thanks! Ok so I don't typically run 5 days strraight, it's like 3, then I take a day off, just go for a long walk, and then back at it, for two days in a row, with a break.

    I am only looking for subtle change, and I don't mind if it's slow. I have abot 4 months anyhow. I'll try to incorporate more weights, and more ab workouts into my routine, as my arms, and my tummy are my troubled spots.

    Thanks for the tip on the protein, I'll make sure to eat lots!
  • katekrise
    katekrise Posts: 178 Member
    I wouldn't run every day. That might be too hard on your body. I usually do hardcore cardio 4x per week for at least an hour. Sometimes I will run the full hour or I will run, do spinning, and swim. Just as long as I get at least an hour. The other 3 days per week I do strength training. Strength training is great because it helps increase your bodys energy demands. It's also great for strengthening your bones. Sometimes I'll do cardio on my strength training days, but if I do...I do low impact like swimming or biking. Be kind to your joints and muscles.

    You'll be a beautiful bride! Congrats!
  • christina000
    I wouldn't run every day. That might be too hard on your body. I usually do hardcore cardio 4x per week for at least an hour. Sometimes I will run the full hour or I will run, do spinning, and swim. Just as long as I get at least an hour. The other 3 days per week I do strength training. Strength training is great because it helps increase your bodys energy demands. It's also great for strengthening your bones. Sometimes I'll do cardio on my strength training days, but if I do...I do low impact like swimming or biking. Be kind to your joints and muscles.

    You'll be a beautiful bride! Congrats!

    Thank you. :)

    I don;t run everyday, its definitely not consecutive. But cumulatively it is 5 days in a week. I am going to try to add more strength training in. I just get very overwhelmed in a gym with a bunch of people nowing what they are doing.
  • katekrise
    katekrise Posts: 178 Member
    I felt weird at the gym at first too. I hired a personal trainer for a few sessions just to get a good idea... She gave me a lot of valuable information. Now I can do what she had taught me w/o her. I'd highly recommend hiring a personal trainer for a few sessions. It helped a lot!
  • 805_blondie
    805_blondie Posts: 96 Member
    Before I became pregnant, I was 115lbs and very fit. I exercised 4-5 days a week with 3-4 days of strength training followed by 20 min of HIT cardio and one day a week 45 min of straight cardio. I did one day upper body and abs (russian twists and crunches), then the other day lower body and abs (planks and bicycle). This worked wonders for me! When I started, I lost 20lbs and became very toned and defined with beautiful abs in four months! Weights make a huge difference in how your body looks. They really help give you that beautiful, shapely body we all want. I hope this helps. :)