I need to eat more, but I'm not hungry.

I have bulimic and anorexic tendencies that I'm getting help for through therapy, psychiatry, and a dietician. But I still need to lose weight.

However, I can't eat... I just can't get myself to the point where I eat at least 1200 calories (2250 is my ideal). Today's intake is 284, and my net is -655... and it's already 5.

How can I eat a normal amount of food with out binging?

Thank you<3


  • lindsaylove07
    lindsaylove07 Posts: 444 Member
    Get your body on a schedule. Wake up, eat breakfast, even if it's just an orange or something small, then at the same time every day have "lunch", again, even if it's something little like half a sandwich. And do the same for dinner. Eventually your body will see this routine as norm and start to feel hungry around those times.
  • moushtie
    moushtie Posts: 371 Member
    Would measuring what you eat make you more likely to eat it? Removing the fear of overeating? I would also suggest trying not to eat processed food. When it comes to bingeing I find the processed carbs the worst, biscuits, cakes, even crisps/chips, so I would avoid that and try to get some real protein and fruit and veg in.
  • catsalive65
    I eat fairly healthy... organic fruits and veggies, seafood and whole grains. i just can't control my self around any type of food.
  • GaryBeck89

    I play A LOT of sport and I have to eat 3,500. How are you eating (by that I mean are you eating 3 meals a day). Personally I find the easiet way to bump them up is break down your meals and eat more often.
    Try and google 2250 cal diets and you can get an idea of what you need to be eating on certain websites.

    Does anyone else have any advice?
  • catsalive65
    I'm never hungry when I get up, but I make myself eat egg whites.
    During the day I'll have about 3 servings of fruits or veggies
    Around lunch I have a larger serving of veggies and beans
    I don't usually eat dinner.

    And that's on a good day. Which I would consider a bad day :/
  • paintitblack
    I'm having similar, yet probably not quite as extreme, problems. I eat three meals a day (quite substantial meals at that) and don't hit the 1200 target I've been set on here. It surprised me how little the calories I eat add up to because I'm always really full at the end of the day although I normally eat less than 1000 calories! Apparently I should be starving and tired, which I'm most certainly not. I have too much energy if anything.

    I would agree with the post above about getting into a routine of eating at certain times. I always start feeling hungry about midday and know it's time for lunch, for instance. The other option is to spread it out throughout the day and just eat a little here and there every couple of hours. Just try and eat as much as you can without forcing food into yourself and, with time, it should work out.
  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    I'm a bit confused, you say you are bulimic and anorexic and so need to eat more, but then you have a pile of weight loss targets? So are you trying to lose weight or trying to put weight on? And do your therapists know you have weight loss goals? Or your mother for that matter?
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    Have you considered nutrient dense smoothies? Adding a plant based whole food supplement like that sold at myvega.com (I have no affiliation with Vega products but have used them and they're dairy, gluten and soy free)

    Try blending
    1/2 avocado
    1/2 cup coconut milk
    1 cup frozen berries
    1 tbsp flax oil
    1/2 cup water

    This tastes like a blueberry shake and is filling because of the fat content--don't let that scare you away: fat doesn't make you fat; carbs--specifically refined carbs--are what pack on the pounds. If your carbs come from vegetables, nuts and fruit, it's far healthier than any enriched cereal or prepared food.

    If you add a protein powder, then add more water. I blanch and then freeze leafy vegetables like kale or spinach to add for extra nutrition.
  • catsalive65
    I'm losing weight, but trying to get healthy habits.

    And yes, my dietician and mother know.
  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    Why are you trying to lose weight? If you're an anorexic bulimic, and currently seeking help (which is great, well done you) then why oh why are you still trying to lose weight? Do you want to be healthy and live your lovely life or eventually die from anorexia?

    eta - I shall have to read any replies tomoorw, it's late, Im unwell and need to go to bed. Nighty night
  • catsalive65
    I do want to be healthy, which is why I'm losing weight. I don't want to die, which is why i've sought help.
    And i'm not 'really' bulimic and anorexic. EDNOS.

    My next step doctor wise is to set meal plans at 2500 calories. But i'm still sick, I'm not yet able to do that.

    I wanted to know if anyone of the forums struggled with eating too little calories
  • catsalive65
  • catsalive65
    anymore help? :)
    I like the set times idea
  • cheshirechic
    cheshirechic Posts: 489 Member
    Eat nutrient dense foods. Instead of eating egg whites, eat the whole egg. Most of the nutrients are in the yolk, anyway. Add olive oil to veggies, or make a dip with whole-fat greek yogurt (add some garlic powder, onion powder, and dill, and it's like ranch!). Eat more nuts-- snack on raw almonds if you need a snack. You can also eat fruit with a little bit of raw almond butter. Apples and pears are fabulous for dipping in almond butter!

    I hope this helps; I struggled when I was in high school and undergrad with this, too. You should be SO proud of yourself for getting help. <3
  • catsalive65
    thank you for the tips! I actually just ate some almonds :)
    I'll definetely start eating the yolks too.. my doctor recomended it but I haven't been. But everything you said sounds good and NOT scary. thank you!
  • tigerlilly9577
    I was going to suggest nuts too. Almonds are so good for you, and just 24 of them adds around 160 calories. Also avacados.. lots of nutrients and other health benefits - half of a medium avacado is around 125 calories. You can add avocados to a salad, or to your eggs omelette style.
  • tigerlilly9577
    I was going to suggest nuts too. Almonds are so good for you, and just 24 of them adds around 160 calories. Also avacados.. lots of nutrients and other health benefits - half of a medium avacado is around 125 calories. You can add avocados to a salad, or to your eggs omelette style.
  • catsalive65
    bleh i don't like avocados haha. But i'll try them. Thank you so much!
  • Joisgettingfit
    Joisgettingfit Posts: 160 Member
    I have/had ED-NOS
    i eat around 1200 most days but I still have days (though they're rare now) where I barely eat anything and just drink tea all day or moments where I panic after i've eaten something "bad" and i have to get rid of it .

    I think what worked for me was thinking of food more as fuel for my body, I tend to eat my meals around the same time too although I don't really plan too but it just falls that way.
    Usually i'll wake up have some cereal, then a few hours later have lunch and inbetween lunch and dinner i might have some fruit but i'll also go workout so when I get home I have room for dinner.

    I'd also say just try and take it one step at a time, you're not going to recover in a day but the fact that you're taking the steps to is a brilliant thing :D
  • catsalive65
    thank you. i really do need to start eating when I wake up.