Making weight for the Air Force!

Hey Guys!! :D

I am excited to introduce myself to the MFP community. As my title suggests, I am preparing to join the United States Air Force. I began my journey to the Force in June of 2017. All this means is that I spoke to a recruiter and had expressed my intent to serve. At the time, I was 50 lbs overweight with a lot of mind-body work to do. Today, I am 187 lbs (-30). My goal is to lose 12-13 lbs by the end of this month to weigh in at 175 lbs (fully clothed). This will place me in an acceptable weight category for my height, 11 lbs beneath my max. To keep track of my goals I aligned them with the date I wanted to have my Air Force application completed.

My ultimate goal is to maintain a lean 165 lbs.


  • JMac8849
    JMac8849 Posts: 25 Member
    Hey! I was in the Air Force for 6 years! Did additional duty as a Physical Training Leader and got certified as a trainer while I was in! Would love to follow your journey and motivate as I can!
  • nickymaz
    nickymaz Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, just wanted to say best of luck to you on your AF journey. I've been on active duty for 12.5 years and weight and fitness as been a struggle for me so I'd encourage you to lay a good foundation now and keep it up.
  • ISweat4This
    ISweat4This Posts: 653 Member
    Welcome and good luck