Chronic Illness & Weight Loss

Hey, my name is Jada, I'm from Canada & 23 years old, I have suffered from two autoimmune disorders (Fibromyalgia & Hashimoto's) as well as severe IBS for the last 9 years of my life. I've worked very hard to get to a good and knowledgable place with food, nutrition & eating right for my body & conditions. I've also worked hard on reducing stress & the importance of over-well physical and mental wellness! This year I am finally putting all of these things together & beginning my weight-loss journey! I have 130lbs to lose & a long way to go! I'd love if you would follow me so we can support each other, especially if you too struggle with any chronic illness, autoimmune disease, hashimoto's, thyroid oroblems, fibromyalgia or fatigue disorders, depression etc. Would love to be a able to help each other along the way!


  • mikehoffman83
    mikehoffman83 Posts: 3 Member
    I don't have any chronic illness, however I wish you luck on your journey!
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    I have Crohn's disease which is an autoimmune disease and IBS. Also being tested for other autoimmune diseases at the moment. I am not trying to lose weight. I lift heavy but not medically cleared for cardio. The exhaustion is horrible and the list of foods I can eat is much short than my can't eat trigger foods.
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    Oh I am in Canada too
  • PBWaffleCakes
    PBWaffleCakes Posts: 900 Member
    Hello, I suffer from Fibromyalgia which is considered a chronic pain disorder in the USA, but I also suffer from RA which is autoimmune disorder, I also am allergic to my sweet. I just wanted to say no matter what you can do this! It will suck at times, sometimes you will want to give up, but keep pushing! I live a much happier, normal life with the weight off. Half the time I forget I have RA or fibromyalgia! Just keep going! Best of luck on your journey! Feel free to add me.
  • CindyA2268
    CindyA2268 Posts: 19 Member
    Fibromyalgia for 22yrs, Raynauds for even longer, IBS, Osteoarthritis, chronic migraines, PTSD, depression, and history of an eating disorders. All I want is to lose enough weight my pain becomes manageable (which is about 30-40lbs). Had a total knee replacement in 2014 which makes the kickboxing I loved it off the question. Am so sick of the meds but if I want to move have little choice. Would love the support
  • Sarc_Warrior
    Sarc_Warrior Posts: 430 Member
    I have sarcoidosis. Also a Canadian living in Alberta.
  • SherryAnnGillisBarney1966
    I am right there with you.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    edited January 2018
    I have officially had Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) for 42 years as well as IBS and non-stop pain. Three years ago at the age of 63 the doctors wanted me to start on Enbrel injections and I knew with my fast failing health the list of possible side effects were too great for me to risk in my case at my age and state of health.

    On a hunch I cut out added sugar and all forms of all grains in Oct 2014. 30 days later my pain had dropped from the long term level of 7/8 to only levels of 2-3 so I was able to dodge the Enbrel bullet thankful. Better health and health markers are my only stated goals. Eating until I am fully full now has let my weight automatically drop about 50 pounds which was positive for current and replaced joints for sure. IBS of 40 years resolved 6 months on my new Way Of Eating and has not returned.

    While I do take some fish oil, Vitamin D3, etc I am Rx med free now with pain levels at 1 or less most all of the time. Now I can get in and out of cars and dress unaided. Turning 67 next month with better health than in many years is exciting.

    While three years later my new WOE is still working for me to recover my health I do not know if it is of value to others but it is still working on a personal level for me. Being totally med free with no medical conditions to be managed is better success than I ever expected.

    Best of success in finding the WOE that will add all to finding better health. In my case I was failing at first because I did not know I was a carb addict in a major way in my case lead to leaving sugar and grains cold turkey. It was a hellish first 15-30 days but with good pain management underway after the first 30 days I was able to tell the doctors NO to Enbrel injections.

    Remember we are all different and in different states of health and that what works for you is the best for you not what may work best for me or others.