December Challange

KatrinaKitten Posts: 14 Member
Hey everyone so lets get motivated to our goals especially since its December there is going to be a lot of temptation being the holidays. Ok so here are the details so the water goal is going to be at least 8 glasses of water a day and at least 100 min a week  working out weather that be ,strength training,cleaning whatever you guys do for you workout is fine because we are on a different levels and lastly as close to your calorie daily goal as possible. To keep everyone accountable you can take pics of the water you drink and doing your workout. Now i will be the mediator but i will be posting my stuff too. I was thinking the prize could be $5.00 from each participant to the winner. With your permission I can take a look at your my fitness pal diarys to get the info and tally it up and then write down the stats every week and post them here so everyone is on the same page. What do you guys think?.Now to those of you that I don't have on my friends list or don't have access to the diary i would just need you to send or post a screenshot so I can input your data. This is going to be Great !!!!!:):):):).
If you would like to join post here and if you want to kick in $5.00 for the winner?. The challenge will start on the 4th and go till the end of the month and I will have the results on the 4th of January. Any suggestions or comments feel free to ask


  • KatrinaKitten
    KatrinaKitten Posts: 14 Member
    Ignore the $$ part i wad just told its not allowed
  • FunFitFrog
    FunFitFrog Posts: 10 Member
    Bummer about the $$ part. But it is still a great idea. I'm joining. Thanks for the motivation.
  • FunFitFrog
    FunFitFrog Posts: 10 Member
    64 oz water for the day. No exercise. (I'm in a super hurry today and don't have time to take pictures. I hope this is good enough.)
  • FunFitFrog
    FunFitFrog Posts: 10 Member
    64 oz water. I got some sweet drops - zero calorie flavoring things and put that in my water today. It helped. no exercise. :(
  • KatrinaKitten
    KatrinaKitten Posts: 14 Member
    the last 2 days i got no exercise but had 6 glases of water yesterday and 8 glasses today
  • RF74
    RF74 Posts: 20 Member
    8th day of Christmas challenge completed. Getting hard
  • KatrinaKitten
    KatrinaKitten Posts: 14 Member
    9 glasses of water and walk around to get grocerys and dinner, i walked instead of drove
  • KatrinaKitten
    KatrinaKitten Posts: 14 Member
    sorry folks i have a family situation come up i wont be able to do the do the challange
  • lilaknowsbest
    lilaknowsbest Posts: 1 Member
    I'd love to join! May I?