I've done really well....BUT........

So, I really feel like I've done pretty well. When I started this journey about 15 months ago, I was 178. I am sitting at 130 right now and my goal is 122. I feel like I look pretty good. I've been running consistantly for 8 months so my legs and butt look pretty good, my arms looks good, I can tell it in my face..... HOWEVER, I had 3 c-sections in less than 4 years so my stomach is basically trashed. Between being pregnant period.....then having c-sections on top of that.....sigh.....I have done everything in my power to make my "fat shelf" disappear. I even talked to my doctor about it when I went in for a physical!!! LOL! He wasn't much help BTW :embarassed:

I really have no point to this post!!!! LOL!!!! Just thinking someone HAD to be in my boat....right??? :drinker: cheers!!

Oh... I wanted to add that (and I know y'all know this but...) My kids are awesome. I love them more than I do anything else on this planet and I would take every strechmark and seperated abdominal muscle for them all over again. It just...well, kind of sucks to work so freaking hard and looks pretty good everywhere else but notice almost no change in that area.


  • marywilsoncline
    marywilsoncline Posts: 301 Member
    I know exactly how it is. I too had a c-section with my son 4 years ago. I run 6 days a week and everything looks good but the c-section scared belly. I have lost 95 lbs but I don't think it will ever be flat regardless of how many sit ups I do a day, which I do 6 days a week also. Everyone that sees me out tells me I have a flat belly, NO I DO NOT! Oh well, I love my son. I quess all things come with a price and he is worth my flat belly.
  • zml_mom
    zml_mom Posts: 270 Member
    I have that same fat from 2 c-sections in less than 15 months (my kids are 14 months apart) I have lost 93 so far and still have another 17 to my goal and hopefully another 10-15 on top of that, I know it's not going to go away on it's own
    so I am hoping to get a tummy tuck in a few years. I am having a breast reduction hopefully at the end of this year then will go from there cause a tummy tuck is not cheap

    I love my kids
  • aphaake
    aphaake Posts: 5
    Same problem! I seriously met with a personal trainer about it yesterday. He told me "that is the last door that opens" during body transformation. He told me it happens with everyone, especially women because of their hormone levels. Wonderful. I'd love any tips of battling that particular section if you have them!
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    I did not have a c-section, but I have a LOT of excess saggy skin and the more toned my abs get, the worse that other issue gets, which is frustrating. I have toned abs and they are covered in flubber :( I was already told that due to the number of stretch marks, surgery will really be my only option, which is WAY out of my budget.
  • Deev79
    Deev79 Posts: 74 Member
    Don't worry. You are not alone!! I had my boys 22 months apart...c-section for both. I honestly lost most of the baby weight pretty fast but the belly has never gone flat. Some days I swear I look 5 months pregnant! The scar does not seem to be the problem; I don't really have a "fat shelf" as you call it, but it's like the muscle wall is completely gone and my insides just pooch out!! I have to go to the bathroom every 3 minutes just so my bladder doesn't protrude! Forget it if I am bloated...it just all hangs out. I hate it and I don't think there's a darn thing you can do about it. But, like everyone else...I certainly feel the boys are worth it, but damn, it's annoying!!
  • colex97
    colex97 Posts: 12
    I've a had one C-section 3 years ago...but thats completely beside the point :)(: I was 270 when my little guy was born, lost 40lbs of water weight before I left the hospital the gained it all back as fat! I've got a belly that has been stretched six ways from sunday and I know there is no way it will ever be normal. It will probably look like a balloon that was blown up too big and deflated...kinda depressing and not at all motivating, I've got 100lbs at least to lose and at the end of it I'm afraid I will look like a skinny person trapped in a potato sack. But at least I might live a longer happier life...saggy belly and all!!

    Also I've heard these work well at bringing in some of the droop and I have every intention of trying it when I finally get all this fat off of me!

  • squigqueen
    I know what you are going thru also. My son is now 12 and I have finally stopped calling it "baby fat". I run/walk every morning - because I have 3 dogs that won't let me sit around. I have lost about 25 pounds so far and I have a long way to go. But I am hanging in there. It is very frustrating to eat lean, healthy foods when my husband and my son would rather have me make mac-n-cheese or homemade pizzas. But we are dealing with it. I hide a lot of veggies in their favorite meals and they don't seem to notice. :) Being healthy and keeping up with my son is the best part and it keeps me working toward my goal. Best of luck to both of you.
  • mrsvatitagain
    mrsvatitagain Posts: 275 Member
    This is a great post!!! Those problem areas are always a challenge....good luck!
  • jojogoslow
    jojogoslow Posts: 26 Member
    I haven't had any children, so no c-section issues.....but I went from 118kgs (260lbs) to 63kg (138lbs) in 9 months over ten years ago, and I have extra skin in my midsection that will be with me forever. I could have surgery....but my belly would be pulled so tight that it couldn't acommodate a child if I became pregnant.
    It's not my favourite thing about myself, but I choose to see it as the scars of a battle hard fought and won. It may not look like it to anyone else, but I know that underneath that extra is honed muscle that I worked hard to get, and that's all that matters to me at the end of the day.
    Having said that, I do indulge in the odd bit of squish-it-all-in shapewear ;)
  • IslandGirl072906
    IslandGirl072906 Posts: 14 Member
    I did not have a c-section, but I have a LOT of excess saggy skin and the more toned my abs get, the worse that other issue gets, which is frustrating. I have toned abs and they are covered in flubber :( I was already told that due to the number of stretch marks, surgery will really be my only option, which is WAY out of my budget.

    That's me too. 4 pregnancies so when I'm heavier (SW 135) I have a belly but mostly smooth skin (can still see stretch marks though). When I start to lose weight my belly flattens but then in ADDITION to the stretch marks, there's this saggy skin. At one time I weighed 115 so I remember how much it hung :P. But, I decided I'd rather have the saggy skin and wear skinny clothes than a smooth paunch belly in fat clothes. I can't afford surgery either but if I could someday...