Meal replacement bars

blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
I have been trying out meal replacement bars. Since I have to take thyroid medication a couple of hours before I can eat in the morning so I need something I can eat at my desk at work. I tried the Luna Bars and aside from them tasting like cardboard I find I am hungry a lot sooner than if I eat cereal. Just wondering if anyone has any suggestions on maybe another brand they have had luck with. Or even another suggestion for breakfast all together that can be done at work.


  • change_happens
    I like the Atkins bars. They are really good and filling. I also like the Zone bars. These two, amongst others I have tried, don't have that funny chalky taste.

    You could take some hard boiled eggs to work.
    Maybe a slim fast shake and a fruit
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Pure Protein bars are high in protien, they can be found at Target. The P90X bars in the peanut butter/chocolate are great as well and have the same net carbs, however they run more in price. Luna Bars and Clif Bars are usually high in carbs.
  • samiam321123
    samiam321123 Posts: 38 Member
    I bring instant oatmeal packets to work. That way you can just add hot water in a cup.
  • otr12
    otr12 Posts: 632 Member
    I like Pure Protien because it takes a 20 gram hit to my protien and only has about 3 grams of sugar.
  • shawnaha
    I also run into this problem sometimes because i have a thyroid problem as well. I like fiber bars but they have a bit of sugar in them. About 140 calories. Because they are high in fiber, they hold you for a bit. I also take fruit something that cam sit on my desk. Good luck
  • missy51381
    missy51381 Posts: 1 Member
    Zone bars taste really good for a protien bar. I really like the peanut butter flavor.
  • cathykonkle
    I use Isagenix bars. They come in four flavors. All organic with lots of minerals and great ingredients. They are very satisfying and will take away any cravings and you will feel satisfyed.
  • anhaab
    anhaab Posts: 44 Member
    I love the Think Thin bars (you can get from or - chunky peanut butter and white choc chip are my fav. Also recently tried Power Crunch wafer bars...amazing!!!
  • AI1108
    AI1108 Posts: 488 Member
    there's a TON out there.. what's your favorite flavor? and what's your calorie/protein goal? I have Pure Protein so I can get the most protein for mine. ThinkThins are yummy.. I find ZonePerfect keeps me pretty satisfied too. If you go to Whole Foods, there's a whole line of organic bars you can try too.

    As far as breakfast replacements at work.. I don't know if you have a microwave/fridge at work but some suggestions...

    greek yogurt with fruit or honey or granola
    veggies (you could steam or sautee them the night before)
    protein shake

    I'd suggest searching the nutrition section of the message boards.. sometimes people have posted some easy to carry/healthy/delish breakfast options.
  • farrellb2
    farrellb2 Posts: 120
    sit down one day and take some snack bags and prepare some cashews, That way you can grab them on the way out...I do that with school, since I'm not a morning person I roll out of bed 10 minutes before I have to leave for campus, so I just grab my bag of cashew, or peanuts, or even a string cheese stick real fast before leaving-and the peanuts and cashews r good for just snack on, that way you know how much your eating
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    there's a TON out there.. what's your favorite flavor? and what's your calorie/protein goal? I have Pure Protein so I can get the most protein for mine. ThinkThins are yummy.. I find ZonePerfect keeps me pretty satisfied too. If you go to Whole Foods, there's a whole line of organic bars you can try too.

    As far as breakfast replacements at work.. I don't know if you have a microwave/fridge at work but some suggestions...

    greek yogurt with fruit or honey or granola
    veggies (you could steam or sautee them the night before)
    protein shake

    I like anything as long as it does not have peanuts or peanut butter (allergic) Just want something that tastes good and is filling.
    I'd suggest searching the nutrition section of the message boards.. sometimes people have posted some easy to carry/healthy/delish breakfast options.
  • trouserchili
    Make your own. Good amount of protein without all the additives and crap that are in commercial brands. And a LOT cheaper to boot.


    2 Egg whites
    1/2 c Honey
    200 g Chocolate protein powder
    1/2 c Skim milk
    1 c Creamy peanut butter
    2 c 100% whole grain oatmeal

    Blend peanut butter and honey and microwave on high for
    approximately 90 seconds. Add the remaining ingredients
    and mix well. Preheat oven to 320. Spread onto 13x9 tray
    and bake for 20 minutes. Test with toothpick. Cut into 20
    bars, wrap and store in refrigerator.

    Per Serving: calories 170, protein 12 g, carbohydrates
    15 g, fat 7 g


    2 Scoops Protein powder
    200 g Oat Bran (or grind up regular whole oats in a
    150 g Honey
    100 g Low fat peanut butter

    Heat honey and peanut butter over low heat for
    approximately 5 minutes. Stir in oats and protein
    powder. Flatten the mixture out on a cookie sheet laced
    with parchment paper into a square shape. Refrigerate
    for 4 hours and slice into 12 bars.

    Per Serving: protein 13 g, carbohydrates 10 g, fat 4 g