Lower ab workouts

Anyone have any super awesome lower ab workouts? I do Pilates and yoga which are both awesome, but I want to know some new moves!


  • vikesfanmb
    vikesfanmb Posts: 291 Member
    I would love some info on lower ab workouts too. That is one of my biggest "problem" areas.
  • sgtlima
    sgtlima Posts: 1
    Check out the "No Crunch Zone" ab circuit on womenshealthmag.com. It involves no crunches and you really feel it the next day. :smile:
  • dancingphoenix
    When I had a gym membership, I used to use the elbow straps on the pull-up bar. Basically, you hang buy your hands with the elbow straps as support and then bring your knees up to your chest and drop them slowly. You don't straighten out your legs all the way, just bring your knees down like you are sitting in a chair and then up to your chest again for your reps. I did it kinda slow so I felt the burn. If you have this type of setup, it is great to workout those lower ab muscles. I was almost seeing a bit of a six pack starting, but alas... that was a long time ago...

    Oh, and you can also do this for your lovehandles too... just hang there with your legs bent and then bring them up sidways. Like a sort-of side crunch. This was very hard to do for me :) Have fun! :)
  • Rompa_87
    Rompa_87 Posts: 291 Member
    Two of the best lower abdominal exercises are the hanging knee raise and L sit pullups

    L-sit pullups: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNYvGb7wcCg&feature=related
    Hanging Knee Raise: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ACTKTdvWsB4
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Only what you've probably already done in yoga- lie on your back, legs up straight and lower them to just above the floor, up n down. Keep at it! I'm on the same mission, would welcome some more ideas too.