Any tips for not giving up??

Hi all! I've been on this weight loss journey foreverrrrr. I've done WW 4 times and once I see a bit of results I give up. Or I forget to track and just give up. Any tips on how to stay on top of tracking? Anything helps I really want this to me last time starting up again. I have a goal of 20lbs. I can't work out for the next month. Any tips on how to deal?


  • TexasTallchick
    TexasTallchick Posts: 134 Member
    You don’t have to work out to lose weight. Just make eating less a priority and also get accurate with your logging. You’ve got to find it in yourself to stay committed and if you want it bad enough, you will. Buy a food scale if you don’t have one already and weigh everything. This ensures accuracy in your logging. Good luck!
  • NurseKristi81
    NurseKristi81 Posts: 90 Member
    I have been the same way! We can do this!
  • gpokerlund
    gpokerlund Posts: 16 Member
    Even if you can workout, are you able to just walk? Walking is considered active recovery and will keep your metabolism going. Giving up is not an option my friend! Dont focus so much on the weight, i know its hard. After my umbilical surgery i couldnt work out for 6wks! So, i focused on eating healthy, when you cant workout the diet needs to be even tighter! I hope you're able to walk. If you can walk, thats all you need. Get your 10,000 steps in daily and dont ever give up! Because your stronger than you think!
  • wibblewobblejellyontheplate
    Don’t give up, that’s my advice.

    I slip up regularly and for the past month haven’t dared to count the calories on those slip up days (very against myfitnesspal logging theory). For me personally, then just getting back on the health kick has been amazing I’ve lost four pounds with this type of thing and having the odd day eating biscuits larger portions.....

    Trying to get excited about it helps... rather than discipline, deprivation, I find a bit more positive thinking, I can do it, I’ll feel great, what dress can I wear, I only have to do this until this point - small steps,all help. Beating myself up for failure leads to a cycle of doom.

    I also have found keeping a few foods that are very calorific but I don’t overeat such as very dark chocolate a creamy coffee each day has helped keep my motivation high.

    I have also found even thinking about entering a 5 k run has helped. I appreciate this is all coming from my own perspective but this is what has worked for me
  • wibblewobblejellyontheplate
    I meant to say I have an injury too so haven’t been able to work out either but been doing small bits of Physio, thinking in my mind, when I’m better I’ll do a run.

    Vanity helps too. I probably look like a haggard sack of potatoes but i like to tell myself I’m a Claudia schieffer equivalent
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    You don't have to exercise, and you don't have to track food intake forever, you just have to eat less, and do it for real, consistently, and forever. This means that you have to eat enough, food you like, at convenient times. Set up MFP to lose 0.5 pounds per week. Weigh out and prelog for a couple of weeks to get an idea of how your meals should look like. Get into a routine where you have the necessary foods and ingredients ready and time to prepare and eat it. Not very exciting sounding, I agree, but weight management is an everyday task that should be prioritized and given the same amount of mental effort as brushing your teeth and going to work.
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,482 Member
    Agree, you don't have to workout. Exercise is overrated as a weight loss strategy.

    What helped me was tracking. So you forget? You remember at some point. Go back and do it. You don't need to be perfect. The process is more important than the numbers.
  • JDMac82
    JDMac82 Posts: 3,192 Member
    You have one life, what do you want to do with it? Sit on the couch and say what if, well i should have, if only i could have..... NO

    A fit life is a JOURNEY of ups and downs. You have to embrace and dig in on the uphills and enjoy the down hills.

    Make small goals and reward yourself. 21 days of consistency makes it a habitual occurrence. Yet one day to break it.

    6 to 8 weeks to see any changes. You have to understand that its not a sprint its a marathon.

    Quitting is easy and you have seen the results and you dont like them.

    Sounds like you need a change.

    Arent you curious what youll look and feel like after 21 days, 6 weeks, 8 weeks, 12 weeks?

    Take a before picture, post it where you and only you can see it DAILY. This is your reminder of why not to quit.
  • Mguz0428
    Mguz0428 Posts: 2 Member
    Wow! Thank you all so much for the advice and definitely fueling me to get back on track!! You're all right! I am going to continue to try! I also agree I definitely do need a change. Thank you everyone for the advice. Today is the start of a new day and I'm ready to go!