Looking for supportive friends!

I am 36 and in the middle of my 12 month monitored weight loss program to qualify for the gastric bypass surgery. I am not looking for anyone to try talking me out of surgery, I already have enough people trying to sabotage my efforts, and my mind is made up. I've got 170-175 pounds to lose. I have multiple problems that can be corrected. I know surgery is just a tool, which is why I have been working so hard to lose on my own, but I would love some support from anyone who has gone through surgery, is planning to go through surgery, or just anyone else who will be supportive of my decision and not try talking me out of it.


  • zombikitten
    zombikitten Posts: 24 Member
    Well, I haven't had surgery but I am looking to lose 32 lbs in 3 months, with an overall goal weight of 175 (I started at 254lbs at the beginning of the year.) I would be honored to be a MFP friend!
  • GurlInterupted
    GurlInterupted Posts: 6 Member
    Added you as a friend!
    And anyone else who wants support plz feel free to add me.