Pregnancy and Caloric Intake

Hi!! I recently found out I’m pregnant and I want to continue my healthy lifestyle while still eating enough for my baby. I am not able to see my doctor until January because that’s how they schedule the first appointment does anyone know what a safe calorie range to maintain is? I’m overweight and would like to safely lose a little before gaining size with the baby. Any advice would be appreciated


  • rvaugh07
    rvaugh07 Posts: 110 Member
    I wouldn't worry about losing while pregnant, wouldn't want to do anything to take away from the baby that needs the nutrition.
    The first trimester you should be eating at maintenance level, second should be about 500 over and I think 3rd is close to 800 over maintenance.

    I know they don't like to see you until close to second trimester so for now I just would eat around the maintenance or somewhere between losing .5lbs a week and maintenance.

    Good luck and congrats on your pregnancy.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Set your goal to maintenance until your first appointment. Then discuss with your doctor how much more to add on. It's generally not a good idea to lose while pregnant unless your doctor is okay with it.