Any other CSA members?

I've had to get a bit creative with a few foods this summer after our CSA farm has supplied us with TONS of a few things. I try to freeze what I can but I like to eat the fresh stuff when I have the time/energy/recipes. Lately we have gotten plenty of yellow wax beans. I roasted them on a baking sheet, sprayed with EVOO and sprinkled with salt/pepper/red pepper flakes. Put them in the over @ 425 for about 30 minutes. Great low cal snack.

What have you guys gotten from your CSAs farmers markets? Any creative recipes?


  • Jefster
    Jefster Posts: 48 Member
    I was excited to find out from my wife that they included poblano peppers in our CSA haul today! I'm planning on stuffing them with seasoned beef, and baking them with mozzarella cheese for dinner tomorrow!
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,129 Member
    We got garlic scapes in our CSA last month....I had never even HEARD of a garlic scape before! I googled and found a great recipe for garlic scape pesto, and we've been eating it ever since. YUM. I love being part of a CSA!!
  • merB89
    merB89 Posts: 122
    this is an awesome thread! I can't wait to be part of a CSA! Someday sooon!
  • ivansmomma
    ivansmomma Posts: 500
    What is CSA?
  • dreanance
    dreanance Posts: 246
    We got garlic scapes in our CSA last month....I had never even HEARD of a garlic scape before! I googled and found a great recipe for garlic scape pesto, and we've been eating it ever since. YUM. I love being part of a CSA!!

    I did the same thing with ours earlier in the season! I cut back on the EVOO and yum!
  • ashesoh1234
    ashesoh1234 Posts: 132 Member
    Have you done kale chips yet? Yuuuuuum!
  • dreanance
    dreanance Posts: 246
    What is CSA?

    Community Supported Agriculture. Basically you buy a share of the farmed goods up front to share the risk/benefits with the farmers and get a weekly share. We pick ours up from the farmers market once a week. So far we have gotten corn, peppers, bak choy, napa cabbage, lettuce, radishes, turnips, kale, swiss chard, potatoes, onions, yellow beans, green beans...more that I can't think of right now :)
  • Our CSA is done for the season due to the drought, but we got lots of GREAT stuff when it was on.

    One of the things I like to make when the summer squashes are abundant is zucchini fritters. There is an amazing recipe for them on epicurious.
  • PhiMuHoney
    PhiMuHoney Posts: 127 Member
    My sister participates thru her work and the farm even delivers it to her building every week! We've gotten a lot of eggplant, which we haven't reallly had before, so it's made us start to try new things. Same thing with bell peppers. I just love the idea of helping out locally while still getting produce that I KNOW is fresh! :)
  • 707janette
    707janette Posts: 77 Member
    I belong to 2 CSAs and I have way to much food for just me but I like the varaity of belonging to two. I just give away all the stange things that I don't know how to cook. I really should take some time to look up online what to do with the stuff I'm not familuar with but I am too lazy since I have more than enough stuff that I do like and can eat raw or know how to cook. I have actually started eating all kinds of things that I never did eat before joining the CSAs and one of my favorites is beets. I can't believe I never ate them before. I also found that a lot of veggies I hated as a kid I like now such as raddish and turnips. I get lots of herbs also and the only ones I ever use are basil and cillantro; I don't know what to do with the others. I used to eat only fast food or packaged food so I am learning.
  • MisMolly
    MisMolly Posts: 88 Member
    I was excited to find out from my wife that they included poblano peppers in our CSA haul today! I'm planning on stuffing them with seasoned beef, and baking them with mozzarella cheese for dinner tomorrow!
    Rachael Ray has a recipe that I love that has poblano's stuffed with a smoky roasted corn and tomato stuffing and covered with cheese, then baked. It is like a healthier fake out of chile relleno.
  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    Our CSA has been giving us tons of tomatoes, peppers, chard, various beans, corn, onions, and peaches in the past few weeks. I'm in heaven :)
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    Wow, I really wish I had a participating farm closer than 40 miles.. Perhaps one day I'll be able to utilize this. :)

    Very cool.. Thank you for bringing this to my attention!
  • MisMolly
    MisMolly Posts: 88 Member
    I am not in a CSA, but we have always gardened at my parents' house. This year we have had zucchini out the wazoo, and have made chicken sausage "lasagna" with zucchini "noodles," zucchini burgers (the recipe is here in the message boards somewhere), zucchini cake, cookies, and bread, baked breaded zucchini, sausage stuffed italian zucchini...the list goes on. We also can green beans in a vinegar brine (super yummy) and make homemade sauerkraut (I don't like kraut, but it is super easy). Right now, I could use creative ideas for cucumbers.
  • Timeforme714
    Timeforme714 Posts: 189 Member
    I belong to a CSA and my fridge is full of apples! I think I'm going to make applesauce tomorrow night:happy:
  • momburntdinner
    momburntdinner Posts: 44 Member
    My sister and her husband have a large garden, so we get peppers, spaghetti squash (yuck) and some lettuce from them. I really wanted to do CSA but we couldn't afford it this year.
  • jemmur
    jemmur Posts: 57 Member
    We don't seem to have CSA schemes here but a local farm sells boxes of seasonal, organic veggies and I've just put my first order in for one :) looks like it might be useful for recipe ideas and identifying unusual things.
  • epoint
    epoint Posts: 88
    I joined a multi-farm CSA in January and it has gone a long way toward changing my eating habits for the better. I get so excited over seeing what's in my box every week! Yesterday I got corn, slicing tomatoes, heirloom tomatoes, heirloom bellpeppers (purple), jalapenos, butterbeans, yellow squash, vidalia onions, lettuce, eggplant, peaches, and a watermelon.

    Usually I roast whatever "roastable" veggies I have, even if I don't eat them that day. I haven't found too many things that aren't delicious roasted, lol. And anything leftover I chop up and put in the freezer to add to my eggs in the mornings. For the most part I try to go ahead when I get my delivery and get my veggies into a form that I'm most likely to grab and eat, i.e. roasting up the squash and peppers and some of the onions, and cooking the beans.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    OK fellow CSA people, my husband and I are doing a half share and for the past two weeks we have received pickling cucumbers out the wahoo. We have made pickles, eaten them in traditional salads, made cucumber salads...and I still have a crisper drawer in my fridge full of them. I have run out of things to do short of giving them away. Any ideas?
  • Timeforme714
    Timeforme714 Posts: 189 Member
    OK fellow CSA people, my husband and I are doing a half share and for the past two weeks we have received pickling cucumbers out the wahoo. We have made pickles, eaten them in traditional salads, made cucumber salads...and I still have a crisper drawer in my fridge full of them. I have run out of things to do short of giving them away. Any ideas?

    I just grab one out of the fridge and gnaw away. :laugh:

    You could make lebanese salata - with some tomatoes, onions, green peppers, scallions, parsley, EVOO, lemon, and herbs - you could google for recipes. It's good with pita bread or over rice and lentils.