The number on the scale

Why oh why doesn’t the number on the scale go down for me ? Sometimes I feel pretty comfortable with myself ... but whenever I see the number on the scale it always bothers me ... I wear a size 8 most places .. which is decent ... my weight is always between 145-150 but I would like it to be 135. Been trying for 2 years now and it doesn’t budge .. this picture is from last week..p568p57epc8w.jpeg


  • Jadu786
    Jadu786 Posts: 141 Member
    I try to tell myself to ignore the scale but I guess maybe sometimes you just have a number set as a goal in your head and it’s hard to get out of there ... but I’m going to try harder
  • kokonani
    kokonani Posts: 507 Member
    If you want to be 135, most likely you will no longer be a size 8, if that is your current size and weight of 145-150. You say you are happy with your size, why try to lose the lbs? If you really want to lose, you have to consume less calories, and/or burn Calories to be at deficit. Two years and not seeing a single drop means you have not done that. Check your stats on MFP and follow it's recommended calories. Then track and move your booty! :wink:
  • Rickster1967
    Rickster1967 Posts: 485 Member
    If I may say, you look good in your photo
  • Jadu786
    Jadu786 Posts: 141 Member
    I think I am going to try and not focus on the scale so much anymore. I decided I am going to check my weight once a month and not every week and just kind of go with the flow... obsessing over the scale doesn't help much..
  • Silentpadna
    Silentpadna Posts: 1,306 Member
    I had to have a stern talk with myself a few weeks ago. I woke up feeling lean and strong (long beautiful hike the day before) and I stepped on the scale to be up 3 pounds from the day before. I KNOW all the reasons for fluctuations. I know my hard hike made me retain water but for a few min I felt horrible. And how silly is that? How much more should the focus have been on what my body willingly did the day before? We all are rules by the scale sometimes. As I get said above, if you want to lose more you will have to cut out calories. If you like you at an 8 than forget it and celebrate you instead of tearing yourself down over a dumb number.

    Were you stern enough to listen your own good advice? Or are you too strong-willed to take it? ;)

    Seriously though, that's great perspective.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    It's a math problem, not a scale problem. If you're maintaining the same weight, you're eating at maintenance. You need to be in a calorie deficit to lose weight.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    If you are happy with your size then why worry about the scale number.

    IF you do want to shed a few more pounds then you just have to eat at calorie deficit, it could be as simple as dropping one snack a day. (250 calories less = 0.5lb loss a week).
  • Jackibrazil
    Jackibrazil Posts: 124 Member
    simi915 wrote: »
    Why oh why doesn’t the number on the scale go down for me ? Sometimes I feel pretty comfortable with myself ... but whenever I see the number on the scale it always bothers me ... I wear a size 8 most places .. which is decent ... my weight is always between 145-150 but I would like it to be 135. Been trying for 2 years now and it doesn’t budge .. this picture is from last week..p568p57epc8w.jpeg

    This has nothing to so with your question but I had that furniture set as a teenager and loved it. I also had three little brothers (3,4 &5 at the time) who destroyed it by writing all over it in permanent marker.

    By the way, don't worry about the scale, you look great!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I don't understand why people get so obsessed about an arbitrary number.
  • maggibailey
    maggibailey Posts: 289 Member
    I had to have a stern talk with myself a few weeks ago. I woke up feeling lean and strong (long beautiful hike the day before) and I stepped on the scale to be up 3 pounds from the day before. I KNOW all the reasons for fluctuations. I know my hard hike made me retain water but for a few min I felt horrible. And how silly is that? How much more should the focus have been on what my body willingly did the day before? We all are rules by the scale sometimes. As I get said above, if you want to lose more you will have to cut out calories. If you like you at an 8 than forget it and celebrate you instead of tearing yourself down over a dumb number.

    Were you stern enough to listen your own good advice? Or are you too strong-willed to take it? ;)

    Seriously though, that's great perspective.

    Oh I seldom take myself very seriously! But in good news I als have a short attention span so I was off to a different topic pretty quickly and don’t being sad!

  • picturebook
    picturebook Posts: 13 Member
    I'm not sure what relevance the picture has, but that is a super cute dress! It doesn't tell us much about why you aren't losing, though. You would have to look at your logs over the past months, or start logging consistently and accurately. After doing that for about a month, you can look at the weight you have gained or lost and figure out what your maintenance level is based on the change, creating a deficit from that number. :blush:

    Because you have been trying for so long, I think that method would be really good for you. Good luck!
  • Jadu786
    Jadu786 Posts: 141 Member
    For those asking why I posted the picture it was to give you an idea as to where I stand ...

  • Jadu786
    Jadu786 Posts: 141 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    I don't understand why people get so obsessed about an arbitrary number.

    Yea that’s what I’m trying not to do
  • Jadu786
    Jadu786 Posts: 141 Member
    simi915 wrote: »
    Why oh why doesn’t the number on the scale go down for me ? Sometimes I feel pretty comfortable with myself ... but whenever I see the number on the scale it always bothers me ... I wear a size 8 most places .. which is decent ... my weight is always between 145-150 but I would like it to be 135. Been trying for 2 years now and it doesn’t budge .. this picture is from last week..p568p57epc8w.jpeg

    This has nothing to so with your question but I had that furniture set as a teenager and loved it. I also had three little brothers (3,4 &5 at the time) who destroyed it by writing all over it in permanent marker.

    By the way, don't worry about the scale, you look great!

    Thank you!! That’s funny about the furniture
  • Jadu786
    Jadu786 Posts: 141 Member
    Maybe you have posted this for people to say you look good? Or am i being a cynic?

    No just to give people an idea of where I stand