Emotional eating after breakup

Long story short, I separated from my partner very recently and I’ve found myself eating like all the time.
Anyone else done this and what did you do to curb it :-(


  • Jingsi84
    Jingsi84 Posts: 126 Member
    I wallowed in self pity for almost two years before gaining over 50 lbs when I finally decided to do something about it. The fact that you are recognizing and addressing this early is already a step in the right direction. Use me as your motivation to knock it off.
  • FrustratedYoYoer
    FrustratedYoYoer Posts: 274 Member
    Well, i've just split from my partner 5-6 weeks ago and have been the opposite. My appetite disappeared and I was barely eating. I lost over a stone just like that. My appetite is picking up a bit now and I have the energy to go and work out so I feel less crappy about everything. Maybe you should use all that excess energy for good and try and burn it off in the gym as well as take out a few frustrations. I find Body Combat is good for that or a good long run!
  • Sp1tfire
    Sp1tfire Posts: 1,120 Member
    First of all you are super pretty!

    Second of all angry weight lifting sounds like a great idea! Also tea with lemon and water when you feel snacky.
  • sfinsc
    sfinsc Posts: 169 Member
    Totally your partner's loss!

    I'm an emotional eater, too. I like to indulge my other senses when I know I'm not hungry and am just looking for something to keep me busy. I like to light candles, listen to music, and/or read a book (but not TV, because TV makes me want to eat).

    Sometimes I find my mouth just wants to chew or be busy, so I'll chew on gum or drink cup after cup of hot, herbal tea. I also like to buy sliced veggies like cucumbers and carrots as they're very low calorie but can keep my mouth busy.

    Oh, and last but not least, keeping a strict food diary is really helpful in keeping me on the straight and narrow.

    Hope all of that helps! You can do this.
  • MarvinsAMartian
    MarvinsAMartian Posts: 236 Member
    My breakup wasn't recent but yeah I did slump into a bit of emotional eating without even realizing it. The fact that you're conscious of it helps because I was clueless until I had put on noticeable weight. I'm not really sure how I got out of it other than just going to the gym, even when I didn't feel like it. I guess subconsciously I turned weight lifting into my coping mechanism over time.

    My ex just recently messaged me out of the blue and now because I deal with my emotions in the gym rather than the fridge I'm not too bothered.

    Maybe you'll find your way too. Good luck, and I'm sorry for your partner's loss.
  • ejikslonik
    ejikslonik Posts: 10 Member
    Story of my life. I think we all do this. What works for me is to create other comforts, do things I enjoy, spending time with people you love, cuddle your self, comfort yourself. Also conscious awareness that food will not make it better, but it will make you fat and even more unhappy. If you absolutely have to chew on something I get watermelon, they are fulfilling and low on calories
  • Mandygring
    Mandygring Posts: 704 Member
    At first eat and pout and then pour myself into the gym and work on myself for a bit. When you make progress it feels like you're showing them up which feels good.
  • aemsley05
    aemsley05 Posts: 151 Member
    When my ex-husband and I separated I found that exercise was a real lifesaver - it gave me something else to focus on and a reason to feel good about myself. Exercise and tracking your food can also give you a sense of control, which can be really important when everything else feels like it's falling apart around you. Going to the gym, to classes or to local clubs can also be a great way to meet new people who will help support your goals and who don't know you as "X's partner" which can be a relief! Good luck - it's a horrible thing to go through but you can do it and you will be better off in the end.
  • ssmarquits84
    ssmarquits84 Posts: 32 Member
    Try emotionally eating during the dating scene. I’m trying to stay focus on me, that gets my mind off of things.
  • GemstoneofHeart
    GemstoneofHeart Posts: 865 Member
    Try finding a new hobby or interest that maybe you’ve thought about but never pursued because you didn’t have time before. Something new to look forward to and learn. Join a club, choir, yoga studio, or take guitar lessons.

    I can’t really help in the eating department because I am the opposite. I eat when im bored but when upset or in a bout of sadness, I lose my appetite.
  • Joyfulandactive
    Joyfulandactive Posts: 111 Member
    If your budget will allow book a personal trainer at your gym. I had no motivation with a knock back after one of our kids was diagnosed with a tumor (all good now). I could care less and was emotionally eating and not exercising. So I booked sessions with a trainer I loved and told her "I have no motivation right now" and why, but she was encouraging and eased me in and by the next week I was enjoying working out again.

    Give yourself a kick start, enlist a professional to have a support system. It is worth every penny.