
I hate my body


  • Versicolour
    Versicolour Posts: 7,164 Member
    Anything specific about it, or everything? Focus on the parts you like and work on the parts you can change.

    I like my feet. I know, it's an odd part, but it really is my favourite. I don't like how inflexible I'be become, but I'm working on that. Some things I can't change; but the things I can, I will
  • andreaxnatalia
    andreaxnatalia Posts: 22 Member
    Don’t be discouraged! Everyone has at least 1 thing they dislike about themselves. Thankfully we have the ability to change the things that seem imperfect to us. What exactly do you hate about your body, and what do love about it? You have to have at least one thing you love. Think positive thoughts and you’ll see the changes start to happen!
  • Vikka_V
    Vikka_V Posts: 9,563 Member
    I've always hated my body too.
    When I'm skinny I feel embarrassed and pathetic, when 'not skinny' I feel gross and ashamed.

    I'm trying to concentrate on being 'healthy' as best I can and recognizing and appreciating my attributes and in my mind counterbalancing attributes with the flaws.

    I'll never be happy with myself, but I kinda like the idea that I'll always be trying to become better...what else do I have to do anyway?