Grrrrr..........I am having a terrible time drinking WATER!

katiep79 Posts: 21
edited September 19 in Food and Nutrition
Ok, so I, for some reason HATE to drink water. Unless I am working out, I don't know why but I do not like it at all. I have been adding a dash of those Crystal Light single serving packets to it. Any suggestions? I would be grateful for any help and got me to drink WATER!!!! Thanks in advance!


  • Ok, so I, for some reason HATE to drink water. Unless I am working out, I don't know why but I do not like it at all. I have been adding a dash of those Crystal Light single serving packets to it. Any suggestions? I would be grateful for any help and got me to drink WATER!!!! Thanks in advance!
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    What are you drinking instead? As far as fluids and meeting that intake per day...
  • Nothing that is good for me. I love Diet Mtn Dew.........grrr....I know, coffee in the mornings. IThat sounds even worse as I type this! I usually manage to choke down about 20ish oz of water a day. I just need to suck it up and drink it!!! I know it will help me get the weight off and it is such an easy way to boost the weight loss!
  • cbrooks66
    cbrooks66 Posts: 65 Member
    I hate it too...all of my life even when I played sports. You have to make it a part of your plan, and I don't know how you tell yourself this, but this is something you MUST do in order to be successful. Do what's hard. Sounds like you're making some good head-way...
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    maybe try getting in half with crystal light and the other half plain water.....and slowly add in more water
  • Do you use a reuseable water bottle? I was struggling to get in 4 cups, but once I got a reusable bottle and just kept it around me all day long, it suddenly became so much easier and I was no longer thinking about it.
  • astridfeline
    astridfeline Posts: 1,200 Member
    Fresh lemons or limes are great in water. I've heard people put cukes in also.
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    I used to hate drinking my water too, then a couple of weeks ago a friend told me to squeeze a slice of lemon, lime or orange into it. Oh my gosh! Now I can't get enough. I cut up a lemon (my personal fave), fill my water bottle with ice, squeeze in the slice of lemon - then drop it in the bottle and fill it with water and screw on the lid. My water bottle holds 3 cups water - I leave the lemons in so at the end of the day, I know how many times I've filled the bottle. I am sooooo hooked on it now - I love it!
  • I do love lemon in my water. On the grocery list for tomorrow!
  • renayeb
    renayeb Posts: 79 Member
    What I did to drink more water is alternate between water and the packets of CL. Actually I used the Hawaiian Punch packets. Think of the flavored water as a REWARD for finishing the bottle of plain ol' water. Then, slowly switch out the CL for the real stuff.:happy: :drinker: :happy:
  • heal4444
    heal4444 Posts: 709
    Hi, :happy:

    I posted this in the chit-chat, fun, games section a few days ago with the title of :happy:

    A Favorite Joke::happy:

    Enjoy! :happy:



    A patient went to the doctor and had a long list of complaints. After awhile, the doctor wrote up a Rx for 8 different types of pills.

    The doctor said to him, "Hmmm, this is serious, this is serious. You need to follow my advice and take these 8 pills for the rest of your life."

    The patient was shocked he went from taking no pills to having to take 8 pills everyday for the rest of his life.

    "Doctor, am I going to live? Am I going to be ok? How long do I have?"

    "Just take these 8 pills, The yellow one first thing in the morning. The pharmacist will give you a complete schedule. Take 1 of them every couple of hours a day with a glass of water."

    "But Doctor, 8?!!!!" "What's wrong with me?! Should I tell my wife? She'll be so alarmed. What am I going to tell her?"

    "Yes, you'll be fine. It's a Rx for sugar pills. A placebo. You're not drinking enough water."
  • jennlos
    jennlos Posts: 200
    I don't know maybe I am weird or something but I drink my water at room temperture. I am a diet dew freak myself but I know that in order for me to do what I know is right I have to give up the dew. I don't buy it for the house and don't keep anything that I like to drink so all I have is my water. The first week I didn't drink anything but water and I got off of my little addiction to the dew. I still have one occasionally but more water.
  • wender
    wender Posts: 38
    I actually like water better at room temperature too. I also like it with lemons, limes and oranges in it.
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    I used to hate water too. Now I CRAVE it. It just comes with drinking it all the time. I still can't do straight water (at least every day) but I use the lemonade crystal light packages. Something that helped me regulate was to put it in a quart or 2quart container. That way I only have to down 2-4 bottles max. (I try to drink 100ounces a day). :drinker:

    It will get better! :flowerforyou:
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    I hate water too...I have been slacking terribly about drinking it though. I'll be lucky if I can get one 12 oz bottle in a day at work. Once home as long as I have it, I drink fat free skim milk. But when I DO really try drinking it, I try the following tricks...

    -Make sure the water is COLD. I think water tastes like crap but as long as it's really cold I don't mind it as much.

    I try to take a few big gulps after each report I finish at work....I also try to do one bottle in the morning, one at lunch and one in the afternoon.

    -Think of trying to finish your bottle so that you can get a break and walk around to go fill the bottle

    -Try a straw....I haven't done this yet, but I remember straws always made drinks so much more fun as a kid for whatever reason

    -Make sure to log the water drank on your MFP doesn't affect anything else but sometimes just seeing the progress I've made makes me want to keep going.
  • marisol7649
    marisol7649 Posts: 484 Member
    I am the same way. I detest water since I was pregnant with my son ( who is 14 yrs) now. I had bad morning sickness and it was so hot I would drink a gallon to two gallons of water a day.To make myself drink inow t I put fresh crushed mint leaves. I got the idea from a book I read that native americans would do this to flavor their water. Don't know if it is true but the water is sweet and fresh.
  • I hate it too, so here's what I do. I pretend like its alcohol and I'm trying to get drunk fast- I chug it fast and then refill and chug again. I even slam the empty cup on the countertop when I'm done and tell my husband, "refill bartender!" LOL...I'm totally serious!:laugh:
  • The "adult beverage" mentality cracks me up! That is hysterical but I totally understand. Maybe I will try that with my fiance!!
  • I completely and utterly hate drinking water as well, I don't like it cold, with ice cubes, hot, luke warm, it makes me feel nauseated. The worst thing is I've just moved a very dry climate and I can feel that I'm slowly getting more and more dehydrated. ( I drink 4 cups of coffee per day at work most days and I'm so bad with the amount of salt I consume) I got enough into me when I lived in a more humid environment, but the adjustment to this dryness is very hard. I've started making a large pitcher of non-caffinated iced tea each night. Its been helping a lot, I've also started carrying around a water bottle all day at work (took a cue from everyone else there) and just grabbing a sip every now and again. I realised that doing this, I sneak in about a litre over the course of the day. I'll start trying to incorporate some of the suggestions in this thread as well, there's some really good ones!
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    I :heart: :drinker: :blushing:
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