Looking for new friends

Hi guys. I’ve just started this app yesterday and I’m looking for friends who will motivate me and give me advice on losing weight. I’ve always struggled with my weight and have never felt pretty enough. I’m here to make a change and I hope you guys will join me!


  • Hello I'm on the same thing girl maybe we can be friends on this road to a better us.
  • andreaxnatalia
    andreaxnatalia Posts: 22 Member
    Hello I'm on the same thing girl maybe we can be friends on this road to a better us.
    Definitely!! Just added you
  • tbinicel1178
    tbinicel1178 Posts: 1 Member
    First time for me too. Good luck
  • LyssaRonnell
    LyssaRonnell Posts: 182 Member
    I've recently returned back to my healthy lifestyle, so it's another new beginning. This app has done so much to help me. What are your goals? Good luck!
  • andreaxnatalia
    andreaxnatalia Posts: 22 Member
    I've recently returned back to my healthy lifestyle, so it's another new beginning. This app has done so much to help me. What are your goals? Good luck!
    That’s so good to hear! Welcome back! My goal now is to lose at least 30lbs by June. Then another 20 by December 2018!
  • aaronagostini
    aaronagostini Posts: 72 Member
    I've recently returned back to my healthy lifestyle, so it's another new beginning. This app has done so much to help me. What are your goals? Good luck!

    Looking to lose 50 by this time next year (already down around 40 so far, trying to factor in a slow down at some point, but I'll be happy if it's quicker!)
  • laf0106
    laf0106 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello, i've had my fitness pal for a long time, but never have i been involved in the community! lol Lets do this and lose weight! Add me!
  • IronDogJourney
    IronDogJourney Posts: 117 Member
    I’m here if you want to add me:)
  • rudejude205
    rudejude205 Posts: 3 Member
    I need support
  • corporatelawmom
    corporatelawmom Posts: 205 Member
    Feel free to add me. I've been on the app on and off for a few years. But now I'm seriously trying to make progress now.
  • fitmugglekp
    fitmugglekp Posts: 3 Member
    Same here!! I'm getting back on this app and restarting my weight loss! Definitely looking for friends and motivation
  • WSOX37
    WSOX37 Posts: 1,611 Member
  • ifabulocitygirl
    ifabulocitygirl Posts: 20 Member
    Congrats to everyone else so far! I'm on day 3 of my journey to losing 20 pounds this year. Am happy to add, and be added for support!:)
  • Iain__Fraser
    Iain__Fraser Posts: 26 Member
    Good luck with your journey! #winning
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    In here for the tenth time. Add me
  • MariposaDelSur32
    MariposaDelSur32 Posts: 20 Member
    Hola hola Hermosa add me if you like I would love for us to support motivate cheer each other on with our goals and journey.habe a great day love
  • ConnieAGinther
    ConnieAGinther Posts: 515 Member
    Feel free to add me if you would like. I log in daily